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Q: If someone wants to be a successful language learner what should she do?
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Related questions

What are the learner variables crucial in second language acquisition?

Crucial learner variables in acquiring a second language are making use of existing knowledge of the native language, general learning strategies, or universal properties of language to internalize knowledge of the second language. Communication strategies should also be employed by the learner to make use of existing knowledge to cope with communication difficulties.

Should a learner have his permit with him?

Yes defiantely especially if he's a learner

What are authentic materials?

Materiaculs used in the target culture for actual communicative needs . They should enable the learner to hear , read and produce language as it is used in the target culture .

If you are teaching an auditory learner what tip should you use?

All of the above are effective tips for teaching an auditory learner

What is different between instructional objective and behavioral objective?

A behavioral objective is a clear, specific, and measurable statement of what a learner is expected to achieve at the end of a unit of work. It describes the desired outcome in terms of the learner’s behavior, specifying the knowledge, skills, or attitudes that the learner should acquire. When writing a curriculum, educators need to state the behavioral objectives as a way to outline the goal behaviors that will demonstrate successful completion of the unit of work.

How old should you be for a learner's permit for a car in Iowa?


Why you should pass the subject?

listen the prof to be a fast learner

If someone with a learner's permit drives a car that is insured but the licensed driver in the car is not listed on the policy are they covered?

If everyone was legal, yes, a collision should be covered by the insurance company.

How do Teachers differ from learners?

Teachers explain what they already have learned. A learner can (and should) also be a teacher. The learner seeks out the knowledge not yet known to them.

What should you say to get hired?

what type of job where?

Should English written language be full of complicated or elaborate words?

Not for normal usage. Written language should be terse, short, concise and understandable. It can be full of complicated language when someone is writing in the scientific format because it is complicated.

What makes a successful mime?

A successful mime should have good miming and good posibilityies but not only that, the person have good gesture.