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If everyone was legal, yes, a collision should be covered by the insurance company.

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Q: If someone with a learner's permit drives a car that is insured but the licensed driver in the car is not listed on the policy are they covered?
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What happens when a person with a learners permit but with no one fully licensed in an insured car hits someone else Will their insurance company pay the victim or is the policy void?

In Georgia the policy follows the vehicle. This would be vicarious liability and it would be covered. However the insurance company can possibly deny this claim cause the person driving the auto obviously didn't have permission by the insured to be driving this vehicle. That's a hard one to answer...

Is a insured driver covered while driving someone else's Insured car?

Depends on what state you're in.

Can someone with a learner's permit drive with a licensed but uninsured adult?

Yes, as long as the vehicle itself is insured and the adult is properly licensed.

Can any insured driver drive someone else's insured leased car?

You are covered if you are a licensed driver regardless what they say. A leased vehicle is owned by the leasing agency not by the person who is leasing it. The terms of the contract will designate who may or may not drive the vehicle and nothing else applies.

Would I be insured to drive a car with owners permission?

The owner's insurance covers the car and usually whomever is driving it. Many people drive cars that belong to someone else. If you are a licensed driver, you'll be covered.

If i am insured and drive a vehicle belonging to someone that is not insured am i covered through my policy?

No. * i say Depends on your policy. Call your insurance person.

What is the difference between a Proposer and the Insured?

the difference between a proposer and the insured is that a proposer is a person or an entity who is seeking insurance and an insuerd is someone or an entity covered by an insurance policy

What is licensed bonded and insured?

license......a business permit issued by a city or county government. The term bonded or insured is basically the same thing. Bonded usually applies if someone handles money or other valuables.

Can someone with a Michigan learners permit drive in Ontario Canada with a licensed insured adult?

Yes, but the insurance should cover the trip to Ontario - specifically, and the person with the learner's permit must obey the license level restrictions: no driving on the roads with the posted speed limit of more than 80km/h, and no driving from 12:00 am to 5 am.

Do you need insurance with a learner's permit?

Yes. All cars on the road have to be insured. If you have a learners permit, then you need to be driving with someone who does have their license and is insured.

Do you have to have someone with you if your 19 and have a learners permit In Nebraska?

If you have a Learner'sPermit, you can onlydrive while accompanied by a licensed driver who is 21 years old or older.

If your car is parked in a supermarket car park an d you RETURN to it and find someone has reversed into it am i insured for the damage?

If you are insured for 'full coverage' or possibly 'uninsured motorist', yes. In a standard liability policy you would probably not be covered.