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This is a silly question that has been asked here before. The number is a measure of hardness of the graphite. A no. 1 is softer and a no. 3 is harder.

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Q: If the 2 pencil is so popular why is it still 2 not 1?
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What size millimeter is the lead of a no 1 pencil?

.There are so many units of length.2 mm is the lead of a no 1 pencil .

Is the length of a pencil greater than or less than 1 meterexplain?

1 meter is about 3 feet so 36 inches about and a pencil isn't usually more than like 5.

Which is 1 centimeter long fingernail or pencil?

Which is about 1 centimeter long: a fingernail or a pencil

How sharp can a pencil be?

A pencil is 0.25 inches or as thick as a 2 gauge wire.

Is a No. 1 pencil harder or softer than a No. 2 pencil?

It's softer. #1 softest, #2 slightly harder, #3 harder than #2, etc.Softer.a #1 pencil is softer than a#2 pencil

What can one penny buy in pennies for peace the organization?

1 pencil so please donate!!

What type of pencil lead is erased cleanest?

a no. 1 pencil lead

Which is longer a 12 cm pencil or a 1 dm pen?

a 12 cm pencil is longer

Which is longer a 12cm pecil or a 1dm pen?

A 12 cm pecil - whatever that may be.

What is the volume of a pencil case?

The volume of a pencil case is about 1 millimeter cubed.

What is the measurement of the pencil by the nearest in?

a pencil is 7 1/4 inches long with out a rubber on it

Why were quarter horses so popular at first?

Quarter horses are still very popular. Everyone was excited because they raced the horses-the breed is famous for sprinting very fast at 1/4 mile distances.