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Q: If the Albany plan of union had been adopted what rights and power would the colonies have kept?
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Why was the Albany plan never adopted?

It was not adopted because each of the colonies wanted its own power, and the people thought that they could rely on the British soldiers.

Why do you think the colonies rejected the Albany plan?

They were not willing to lose their/colonists power

Was the Albany plan accepted by the colonies?

No. None of the colonies accepted the Albany Plan of Union. Some colonies felt that it would be difficult to agree on unified policies with so many different Indian tribes, and other colonies felt that it was "a Design of gaining power over the Colonies" (esp. taxation). Even the Indian tribes didn't accept the Albany Plan of Union.

Why did British government reject the Albany plan of union?

the plan granted to much power to the colonies

Why did the British plan to take over Albany fail?

the plan granted to much power to the colonies

What is one reason the bill of right was adopted?

The Bill of Rights was adopted for many reasons, including to protect the rights and liberties of the states from abuse of power by the newly created government

Many colonies objected to the Albany plan of union in 1754 mainly because?

Because the local colonial governments would have to give up their power.

What was the Albany plan of union and how was it received by the colonist and by the crown?

Many objections and difficulties were debated, addressed, and resolved whereupon the plan was unanimously adopted by the delegates of the Albany Congress. The plan was disaprooved because the colonials did not want to give up any of their power.

What is the name given to the Amendments that were adopted by the states?

The first 10 amendments to the US Constitution is called the Bill of Rights. They were adopted at roughly the same time and all deal with the rights of individuals, or of the states, against the power of the Federal Government.

Which actions proved that King George was being a despot?

He denied the rights of self - government for the colonies, and displayed unlimited power which angered the 13 colonies.

Why did the colonies reject Benjamin Franklin's plan of union at the Albany congress?

In 1754 delegates to the Albany Convention proposed a Union of all the colonies based upon a plan established by Benjamin Franklin. Many items were discussed at the Convention and once a plan was agreed upon, the Albany Plan of Union was sent to all the colonies and to Great Britain's Board of Trade. Almost all of the colonies rejected the plan. The colonies, at that time, were concerned about a central government that would have too much power. Most of the colonists were provincial in outlook, jealous of other colonies, and dead set against any central taxing policy. During the war, the Albany Plan served as a rough draft for the Articles of Confederation.

What was the Albany plan of Union how was it received by the colonies and by the Crown?

It had the power to raise the military and naval forces, make war and peace with the Native Americans, regulate trade with them, tax, and collect custom duties. It was not received by the colonies and the Crown,... it was turned down.