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vice president

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Q: If the President was unable to perform his duties who would?
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What happens to the government if a Mexican President dies?

If the Mexican president is unable to perform his/her duties, the Secretary of the Interior would act as interim president until new elections are held.

In case the President is unable to perform the duties of his office who assumes them?

It depends on the legislation of the country concerned, but generally the Vice President, if there is one would take over the duties.

What are three reasons the president would be unable to carry out the powers and duties of his office?

Reasons why the President can not perform his duties. 1. He is dead 2. He is very sick, either physically or mentally -- there are a huge number of illnesses that could make him very sick.

When did it become law the the speaker of the house becomes president if both the president and vice president die?

The Presidential Succession Act of 1947. This gives clear order to who would become president if the President and Vice President where to die or be incapacitated and unable to perform the duties of president.

What happens in the event of the vacancy in the presidency?

In the event of a vacancy in the presidency the vice president shall step in and perform the duties of the president. If the vice president is unable to hold this position then the next person in line would be the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

What happens if the president acknowledges that he no longer has the ability to perform his job?

In this case the vice president would assume the duties of the president temporarily.

How long does a Vice President remain in office If the President of the US is unable to perform his duties?

The Vice President could become Acting President in the event of Presidential disability, and there is no codified term. A new Vice President would not be nominated. Should the Vice President succeed to the Presidency, then he would serve out the remainder of that President's term, and a new Vice President would ordinarily be nominated to fill the Vice President's unexpired term.

In case the president is unable to perform his duties due to illness. his powers can be discharged by the vice president as acting president?

Yes the president would pass his "active presidency" to the vice president, however this would ONLY be true if it was a permanent incapacitation. ______________________________________________________ actually the 25th amendment says "if the president notifies congress of being unable to serve, the vice president becomes president until the president once again feels able to serve". which means it wouldn't ONLY be true if it was 'permanent incapacitation'

If both the president and the vice president are unable to fullfill their duties who takes over as president?

The Speaker of the House and if he can't then the President pro Tempre. which is the Temporary President and the after that it goes to the down through the Cabinet by senority starting with the Secratary of State.

What if something happens to the president?

If the president cannot perform his duties for any reason the Vice President assumes the Presidency. If the Vice President cannot perform the Speaker of the House assumes the duties of the President

What amendment would allow president and vice president from 2 different political parties?

There is no such Ammendment and would almost never happen in today's politics as you would want someone to be on the "same page" if you were unable to fulfill the duties as president

Can a two term past president run for vice president in the US of America?

Practically, no. Since the vice president is made president if the president is incapable of performing his duties, they would be constitutionally unable to fulfill the obligation if the president were to resign or take ill.