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Some sizes and shapes fall in and out of demand due to waht is fashionable or considered affordable in society.

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Q: If the carat weight is the same, are some diamond shapes/cuts that are used in rings more valuable than others?
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Which is more valuable between diamond and silver?

Of equal weight, gem-quality diamond is more valuable than silver.

What is more valuable diamonds and oil?

By weight, a gem-stone quality diamond is more valuable than oil.

Is a real diamond more or less valuable than a synthetic diamond?

A natural diamond will always be more valuable than a lab-created diamond, given the same clarity, colour, carat weight and cut of the two comparables.

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A diamond is more valuable than a zirconia, given that they are equal weight, cut, clarity and colour.

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Of equal weight, and of best quality, diamonds are worth more than platinum.

What is more Diamond or gold?

diamond is alot harder than goldAnother AnswerBy weight, gem-quality diamonds are more valuable than gold. By weight, gold is more valuable than industrial diamonds. Only about 20% of all diamonds mined are gem-quality.

Are chocolate diamonds valuable?

Yes. Each diamond is valued according to its carat weight, cut, clarity and colour.

Are diamonds valuable?

Gem-stone quality diamonds are considered especially valuable due to their rarity and their uniqueness. A diamond's value is determined by its 4 Cs, which include a diamond's cut, clarity, color and carat weight. A diamond low on some or all of the 4 Cs will naturally be less valuable than a diamond that is high in clarity, color, cut and carat weight. Seventy-five to eighty percent or more of all mined diamonds, however, are used by industry to enhance cutting and precision tools.

Does the value of a diamond depends on it size?

Size -- or weight, is one determinant. Others include the diamond's colour, clarity and cut and its excellence.

How valuable are colored diamonds?

Every diamond is valued by its cut, colour, clarity and carat weight. Of equal carat weight and clarity, a coloured diamond graded as a Fancy Colour will probably cost you more than the diamond simply graded as a jewelery grade D-F colour.

What determines the value of a 'chocolate diamond'?

The value of a "chocolate diamond" is determined by several factors, including its carat weight, cut, color, and clarity. The more carats a diamond has, the higher its value. The cut refers to the way the diamond is shaped and faceted, with well-cut diamonds being more valuable. The color of a chocolate diamond, which is a brown variety of diamond, can range from light to deep brown, with darker and more intense colors being more valuable. Lastly, clarity refers to the presence or absence of internal or external flaws, with diamonds that have fewer flaws being more valuable.

Is The Russian Lab Created Diamonds Valuable?

Yes, as any diamond -- even an industrial diamond is 'valuable'. Take your gem to a certified gemologist and pay him/her to document the cut, colour, clarity and carat weight of the item, identify that it is man-made, and then help you determine a market value for it.