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It makes a perfect reason for the defense attorney to appeal their introduction into evidence, HOWEVER - many more particulars of the incident need to be known. MUCH depends on the circumstances of WHY they could not be accounted for - WHERE they were located - HOW were they located - WHAT condition were they in when they were located- ETC.

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Q: If the chain of custody is broken and confiscated drugs can not be accounted for for a few hrs or days are they still able to use those drugs as evidence in the courtroom?
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How old does a child have to be to be present in the courtroom during a custody case?

18 or older

What is continuity of evidence?

unbroken chain of custody/control of evidence

How do you get custody back from the father after he got temperary custody?

You need to return to the court that granted him temporary custody and show compelling evidence that the issues that led to your losing custody have all been addressed successfully.You need to return to the court that granted him temporary custody and show compelling evidence that the issues that led to your losing custody have all been addressed successfully.You need to return to the court that granted him temporary custody and show compelling evidence that the issues that led to your losing custody have all been addressed successfully.You need to return to the court that granted him temporary custody and show compelling evidence that the issues that led to your losing custody have all been addressed successfully.

What is the primary importance of a chain-of-custody document?

The important chain of custody for the evidence at a crime scene usually starts with the collection done by the investigator-technician. The marking and labeling begins our control and custody of the items of evidence.

Can a mother obtain sole custody when joint custody is already in place and the father is ill?

Yes. If there has been a significant change in the circumstances the court reviewed to grant joint custody, the mother can petition for a change in custody. The court will review the evidence and testimony and render a decision.Yes. If there has been a significant change in the circumstances the court reviewed to grant joint custody, the mother can petition for a change in custody. The court will review the evidence and testimony and render a decision.Yes. If there has been a significant change in the circumstances the court reviewed to grant joint custody, the mother can petition for a change in custody. The court will review the evidence and testimony and render a decision.Yes. If there has been a significant change in the circumstances the court reviewed to grant joint custody, the mother can petition for a change in custody. The court will review the evidence and testimony and render a decision.

Is joint custody in a courtroom better or worse than settling a custody dispute yourself?

The best method is of course working it out together amicably without having to get a Judge to decide for you. You can turn an agreement into an order by submitting it to the court.

Is there a motion you can file to gain custody immediately?

If no custody orders exist, a motion for temporary custody can be made while in possession of the child. An emergency motion for custody can be filed with evidence of immediate danger to the child.

Can a school help a parent get custody?

Reports, affidavits, evaluations and testimony from school officials are helpful evidence in a custody hearing. You should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues.

What would have had to be done to make sure that evidence was legitimate and usable in a court case of the mystery of lilac inn?

To ensure that evidence is legitimate and usable in a court case involving the mystery of Lilac Inn, proper chain of custody procedures should have been followed to track the handling of the evidence from the crime scene to the courtroom. Additionally, evidence should have been collected and stored using scientific methods to preserve its integrity and prevent contamination. Lastly, all evidence should have been documented thoroughly, with proper labeling and description to establish its relevance and credibility in court.

How can you get an emergency custody granted when there is a court order involve and the primary custody parent is abusive in Pennsylvania?

Through a preponderance of the evidence presented to the judge

How can I appeal a custody decision if I want to have joint custody?

First, there is a time limit for filing an appeal, and you need to take the time to properly prepare evidence for the argument. The late James Cook, the father of joint custody was a friend, and he recommended preparing at least three months of evidence. Have you also considered Bird Nest Custody? see links below

Can I be in the courtroom while my boyfriend has his arraignment hearing at Maricopa County Superior Court?

Absolutely, yes. The new Court Tower building has plenty of seating for people observing the court.Warning -- if your boyfriend is in custody he will be seated in a glass enclosure.DO NOT try to talk to or sign with your boyfriend. If you are caught, he will get the CO (correctional officer) upset with him. YOU will be told to leave the courtroom. Seriously, they will throw you out of the courtroom.