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benzene, due to grignard (strong bronstead base) attacking the water

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Q: If the ethyl ether used in the Grignard reaction is wet what byproduct would be form?
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How will you synthesise ethyl bromide into propionic acid?

Convert the ethyl bromide into Grignard's reagent, ethyl magnesium bromide then allow to react with dry ice (Solid carbon dioxide) then acidic hydrolysis produces the propionic acid. CH3-Br + Mg --- anhydrous ether---> CH3-CH2-Mg-Br CH3-CH2-Mg-Br + CO2 ----H+/H2O---> CH3-CH2-COOH

Which is the product in the reaction of an alcohol C2H6O with itself?

The product of the reaction of an alcohol C2H6O with itself is ethyl ether (C4H10O).

Is ethyl acetate or diethyl ether is same?

No.. Ethyl acetate is C2H5COOCH3 and Diethyl ether is C2H5OC2H5

If ethyl benzoate used to prepare triphenylmethanol is wet what byproduct is formed?

THIS IS A DIRECT QUOTE FROM YAHOO ANSWERS:Benzene and magnesium hydroxide and magnesium bromide.I am betting you are doing a Grignard reactionEthyl benzoate + 2 phenylmagnesium bromide --> triphenylmethanol•MgBr saltif water is present, the grignard reacts with the water firstPhenylmagnesium bromide + H2O --> benzene + MgOHBr

What hydrocarbon is obtained when Na metal react with ethyl bromide in presence of anhydrous ether?

By Wurtz reaction Butane is formed.

Why methyl-chloride and ethyl-chloride are not used for grignard reagent preparation?

It is not easy to break C-Cl bond as it is strong. Hence alkyl chlorides are not suitable for Grignard reagents.

Is benzene or ethyl ether highly volatile?

Ethyl alcohol is highly volatile as compare to benzene.

What is ch3 ch2 och2 ch3?

ethyl ether

What is the structual formula for ether?

R-O-R where , R = alkyl group For Example, CH3 - O -CH3 is di-methyl ether, C2H5 - O -C2H5 is di-ethyl ether, C2H5 - O - CH3 is ethyl methyl ether......etc.

What is action of cold and hot HI on ethyl methyl ether?

cold solution of HI forms ethyl methyl oxonium ion and iodide ion while hot condition ethyl methyl ether undergoes the substitution reaction with HI. C2H5-O-CH3 HI ----Cold---> C2H5-O+(H)-CH3 + I- ----Hot----> C2H5-OH + CH3-I and CH3-OH + C2H5-I

What is more polar either ethyl-acetate or pet-ether?

on basis of solubility in water. ethyl acetate.

What is a flammable liquid used as an anesthetic?

Fluroxene, cyclopropane, divinly ether, ethyl chloride, ethyl ether and ethylene are all flammable liquids used as anesthesia. If a one-word answer is necessary here, then ether might be the one to use.