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Yes you can, but will need to go through the courts. Or you could still go after him for child support through the courts, they can make him pay.

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Q: If the father hasn't paid child support in 2 or more years and hasn't had contact with the child in 2.5 years can I file abandonment on him?
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Is it still abondoment if child's father pays child support but has had no contact for 2 years?

That would depend on the laws of your State.Generally, the crime of child abandonment occurs when the parent who is charged with the custody and care of the child leaves the child with the intent of abandoning it. Therefore a father who is paying child support is the non-custodial parent and cannot be charged with child abandonment. You can check your state laws at the related link.

Do you have to pay child support if the child does not want contact with father?


How long does a parent have to be out of contact for it to be considered abandonment of the child?

Depends on the state. It can be 6 months to a 1 year without paying child support etc.

How do you file abandonment charges on a father who does not pay child support and does not have anything to do with the child?

The process for filing abandonment charges on a noncustodial father who doesn't pay support varies by state. Generally speaking, if he has not seen the child for at least six months, you can file abandonment charges in family court.

Child support end if you get back with the father?

As long as you're not on Welfare, contact child support enforcement.

How do you get a father to pay child support?

Contact your State's child support agency. Be patient but persistent. Good luck!

Can you file for abandonment if the biological father has had no contact with the child in years?

Exactly what would you want to file? Also, what should be equally filed on mothers denying the father access?

How can you find the father of your child so he can pay child support?

Contact Child Support Services in your area and provide them with as much information on the father as possible. They will eventually track him down.

What can you do if your child's father is months behind on child support?

I suggest you contact your State's child support agency. Be polite but persistent. Good luck!

How do I file child abandonment against a felon in AZ?

If the felon cannot see their child due to incarceration, that would not be grounds for an abandonment charge as it is a situation beyond their control. If other circumstances apply, you may file a motion in the court with jurisdiction for a finding of abandonment on the part of the father if he has willfully had no contact with the child for 6 months or more.

How long can a biological father go without paying child support and not seeing a child before abandonment charges can be filed in the state of Missouri?

There is no statute on the Missouri books to permit charging a parent with abandonment who has not seen the child. Please see for yourself in the related link below:

If father gives child support yet doesn't ever want to spend time or see the child is that considered child abandonment still?

i dont think so cause youre not abandoning him if u support him but its not nice to not want to see youre child