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Q: If the government passed a law that required people to pay a tax in order to go to a worship service which amendment would be violated?
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Some opponents of the draft claimed that the selective service act violated which part of the US Constitution?

13th amendment

Amendment 13 refers to?

The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude, except that it does permit involuntary servitude as a punishment for convicted criminals. It does not specifically address involuntary servitude in the form of required government service such as a military draft.

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No they should not

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Selective service act?

Required men to register with the govt. for a draft, in order to be randomly selected for military service. May, 1917

What required men to register with the government for random military service?

The Selective Service Act, although the definition you give of it is a bit misleading.

Which amendment would taxes on a church service violate?

First Amendment.

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Feudalism is the form of government and the nobility were required to give so many days a month to the king for military training/service.

What act required men to register with the government to be randomly selected for military service?

The act that required men to register with the government for random military service selection is the Selective Service Act of 1940, also known as the Burke-Wadsworth Act. This act was enacted in response to the growing threat of war in Europe and Asia, and it established the first peacetime draft in the United States. It required all men between the ages of 21 and 35 to register with their local draft boards.

Why are female students are required to enroll in NSTP?

As of 2013, female students are required to enroll in NSTP. NSTP stands for National Service Training Program which is a defense preparedness and civic education program that is offered by the Government of the Philippines.

Are background checks required to work for the Government?

Helen - Yes, whenever you apply for a position in civil service, there will be very thorough background checks.

Central Hudson v Public Service Commission?

Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. v. Public Service Commission, 447 U.S. 557 (1980), was an important case decided by the United States Supreme Court that laid out a four part test for determining when restrictions on commercial speech violated the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.