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Q: If the governor of georgia dies how takes over?
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Who takes over for the Wisconsin governor if he dies?

The Lt. governor.

Who takes over after the Governor of Idaho dies while in office?

According to the Idaho Lieutenant Governor's website (refer to the link, below), the Lt. Gov. would take over as Governor in the event that the Governor leaves the State or is incapacitated or worse.

If the governor dies who becomes president?

The Secretary of State assumes the power of the Governor when the current Governor dies, resigns, or leaves office for other reasons. The current Secretary of State in Arizona is Jan Brewer, a Republican. The current Governor of Arizona is Janet Napolitano, a Democrat, who is currently being considered to become part of President-Elect Obama's cabinet.

Who takes over if the governor cannot complete their term?

The Lieutenant Governor takes over if the Governor cannot complete the term.

If the Lieutenant Governor dies who takes over?

All states are somewhat different. It depends on the wording of your state law as to who is named next in the line of succession.

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Alison comes back and takes over a after mona dies

If Fidel Castro dies who takes over Cuba?

If Fidel Castro dies his brother Raul takes over the rule.

If the governor cannot complete his or her term of office who takes over?

If a governor cannot complete their term of office, the lieutenant governor typically takes over and assumes the role of governor.

Who takes over if the president and everybody after him dies?

If everyone after the President also dies, there would be no one to "take over."

Who becomes governor when a governor dies?

It depends on the state. Most states have a Lieutenant Governor, who remains prepared to take over as Governor in the event that the Governor cannot or will not complete his/her term, the same way the Vice President remains prepared to take over as President.

What happened if a president dies?

Then the vice president takes over

Who takes over the presidents job when he dies?

Vice president.