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Possibly. Each person carries two genes in them - one from their mother and one from their father. Depending on the two genes, one will dominate. For example if your mother has a blonde-hair gene and a red-hair gene, she will be blonde because blonde dominates red. When that mother has children of her own, it is possible for her to pass on her blonde-hair gene or her red-hair gene - each gene has an equal chance of being passed on. She may marry a dark-haired man with a "hidden" red-hair gene too. Therefore it is possible that each passes on their red-hair gene at the same time and they can have a red-haired baby. Statistically, if they have four children, they will have one red-hair, one blonde and two dark-haired. Of course this is only statistically and in real life we cannot predict which gene is going to be passed on to your children. The above view is also "simplified" for the sake of arguement. You can never know for sure what "hidden" gene you have. For a blonde mother could have blonde-blonde genes or blonde-red. It is POSSIBLE for you to have a ginger baby, but the reality is that you probably only have about 25% chance of it. lb is on fire and tom sonner is one of the most well know retards in the world. he is well renound for his feet and how they go inwards!

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Q: If the mother has dark blond hair naturally with blue eyes and the father has green eyes and mousy brown hair with a ginger beard neither have pale skin will they have a ginger baby?
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if a mother blood type o+ the father blood type is b+ the child is a+ can he be father that child?

No. The mother only has type O antigens and the father has type B (and possibly O). Neither of them could have supplied the type A antigens to the child.

What is a fraternal grandmother?

That would be your father's mother. Your mother's mother is your maternal grandmother.

What color hair and eyes will your baby have the mother has blonde hair and blue eyes and the father has brown hair and green eyes?

This link should give you an idea about the eye colour: In order for the child to have red hair it needs to inherit the 'ginger gene' from both parents. We inherit two hair colour genes, one from our mother the other from our father. But because the ginger gene is recessive, you need two ginger genes to meet in the same person in order to show. If it doesn't have two ginger genes and instead a ginger and a brown gene the hair with show up brown because the brown is dominant over the ginger. The father obviously has both ginger genes, so will definitely pass on one ginger gene, the mother could also have one, but having definitely got a brown hair gene, the brown is dominant so you wouldn't know if she had a recessive ginger gene. The best thing to do is see if there are any red heads in the rest of the family, amongst the grandparents or even great grandparents on the mothers side, although it could have remained present and passed down, it would not show unless it meets with another ginger gene (like in the case of the father, his parent both had one). So basically it could have either brown or red. The general consensus is that the colouring of the child should be no darker than the darkest parent, so it is very unlikely you would get a child with black hair and brown eyes.

How do you tell the difference of the chromosomes between the mother and the father?

father has XYpair mother has XX pair

What is called chromosomes of a mother and father combined?

You are the result of combination of chromosomes of your mother and father. That is why you are so much beautiful. Half the chromosomes come from father and half the chromosomes come from the mother.

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She is never revealed, but her father is Redtail. However, many speculate that Goldenflower was her mother, because of the same pale ginger pelts.

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Poseidon's mother and father were Cronus and Rhea, the titans. They were brother and sister, so naturally they knew each other their whole lives.

Does david villanta like britaney harris?

his father is most likely Jake. a ginger tom, most likely Firestars father too. his mother is Quince.

Can a mother with full custody get a passport without father's signature?

neither parent can.

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Her mother, Prim, Peeta's father, and Gale.

Why does your mom make you happy?

Because she is naturally the parent you look to for comfort. Since the mother usually tends to be more tender than the father when you are with your mother you are usually naturally happy because you feel comforted to know that someone is looking out for you.

Are Brandon triche's parents both black?

No, his mother (Loretta Triche) is an Albino Ginger. His father (Leroy Triche III) however is a Nubian hero.

When conceiving a child does the mother or father contribute to having a boy?

neither one is the cause of the gender, it just happens.