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It is my understanding that the car owner's insurance pays for the person who was hit. The driver's insurance is responsible for the car he/she was driving.

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Q: If the owner gave permission to a licensed driver is the licensed driver still responsible to pay for an accident?
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If an insured driver with permission from an insured car's owner gets into an accident will the driver or the owner be responsible for payments?

the owner of the car with insurance will be responsible

Who is liable if a driver with a revoked license gets in an accident while driving your car without permission?

The unauthorized driver will be held responsible, unless there's proof that the vehicle owner did grant that person permission to drive.

Who is responsible for damages if a permit driver who is not on your insurance policy nor is a family a member drives your car with your permission while you are in it and they get into an accident?

you ni^^a

What if a unsured licensed driver is driving an insured car and causes an accident?

Very simple, the insurance policy follows the vehicle not the driver. In this case, the vehicle insurer will be responsible for all damages.

What happens if an uninsured driver borrows your insured car and gets in an accident?

Depends on the state laws. Typically driver insurance coverage is extended to any driver of the vehicle insured. Insurance covers the vehicle and any legally licensed driver with permission to operate the vehicle.

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The Driver

Would I be responsible if someone else is driving my car and they get into accident?

No. The driver is responsible.

Can a son drive parents car?

Yes, if you have their permission, are a licensed or permitted driver, and are covered by insurance and the vehicle is properly licensed and working.

When you do not have any insurance AND the person who took your car without permission has no insurance and causes an accident who is responsible of the other parties damages?

You hope that the other driver responsible in the crash has insurance that covers uninsured drivers and then you sue your friend!

If an uninsured driver wrecks the car of an insured driver is the uninsured driver still responsible?

If the accident was caused by the uninsured driver than the uninsured driver is definitely still responsible.

Is any licensed driver insured while driving your vehicle?

If you gave permission then it should be covered.

What happens if you let a non licensed driver drive your car?

If they are stopped your car could be impounded. If they get into an accident you are responsible for damages of your car and the other person's car. Not worth letting them drive.