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Because they don't have enough energy to make the phase shift from liquid to gas. They don't have enough energy to break their INTERmolecular bonds enough to become a gas. They move around in what are called random walks and vibrate, just bumping into each other occasionally like you would people in a crowd. They don't have the energy to stat pushing and shoving violently enough to make the crowd separate far apart like you'd see in a mosh pit. Move space exists in a mosh pit than in a gentl crowd.

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Leonora Medhurst

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2y ago
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5d ago

The particles in a liquid are constantly moving, but they are still held together by intermolecular forces. These forces are strong enough to keep the particles close together in a liquid state. As the temperature of a liquid increases, the particles move faster, eventually reaching a point where they break free from these forces and become a gas.

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Q: If the particles of a liquid are always moving why dont they all come apart from each other and become gas?
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Are the particles in a solid moving or still?

Particles in a solid are still but they vibrate in place. This vibration is due to the thermal energy of the particles.

What is the arrangement of particles in liquid?

In a liquid, particles are close together but have more freedom of movement than in a solid. The particles in a liquid are constantly moving, sliding past each other, and are not arranged in a fixed pattern like in a solid.

Compared to the particles in a hardened lava sample the particles in a liquid lava sample?

The particles in a hardened lava sample will be solidified and compacted, while the particles in a liquid lava sample will be molten and in a flowing state. The hardened lava particles will have a crystalline structure, whereas the liquid lava particles will lack a fixed arrangement due to their high temperature.

What property changes from gas to liquid?

The physical property that changes from gas to liquid is the arrangement of particles. In a gas, particles are far apart and have high kinetic energy, moving freely. In a liquid, particles are closer together and have lower kinetic energy, allowing them to flow and take the shape of the container.

What would the particles of choclate look like compared to the same amount of particles in liquid form?

In solid form, chocolate particles are tightly packed, structured, and hold their shape. In liquid form, the particles are more spread out, fluid, and free-moving. The solid form will have a defined shape, while the liquid form will conform to the container it's in.

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When a liquid is cooled it's particles become?

At the feezing point the liquid become a solid.Freezing is a physical change.

Does gas have fast moving particles?

Yes, gas particles move rapidly in random directions due to their high kinetic energy. This constant random motion is what allows gas to expand to fill any container it's in.

What causes the particles in a solid vibrate?

a wavelength can be add to a sound particle that couses a high vibration.particles are always moving and this means no matter if it's a solid, liquid, or gas, it will always have particles moving. Particles in a soild only vibrate because they have less kinetic energy.

What happens to the particles in a liquid when it boils?

When a liquid boils, its particles gain enough energy to overcome intermolecular forces and escape the liquid phase as vapor. This results in bubbles forming and rising to the surface.

What happen when a solid dififusion in a liquid?

Are you talking about the change of state...if you are I can answere it..since the particles are so compact and tight they don't move and when energy comes in and the particles become active and moving freely called melting and into a liquid

What do you know for certain about the particles that make a very hot liquid?

The particles are moving very fast because the higher the temperature , the faster the particles are moving.

What do know for certain about the particles that make up a very hot liquid?

The particles are moving very fast because the higher the temperature , the faster the particles are moving.

What do you know for certain about particles that make up a very hot liquid?

The particles are moving very fast because the higher the temperature , the faster the particles are moving.

What do you know certain about the particles that make up a very hot liquid?

The particles are moving very fast because the higher the temperature , the faster the particles are moving.

Are the particles in a solid moving or still?

Particles in a solid are still but they vibrate in place. This vibration is due to the thermal energy of the particles.

Do forces in a solid keep the particles from moving?

Yes, forces within a solid, such as intermolecular forces and atomic bonds, act to keep the particles in a fixed position relative to each other. These forces resist motion and contribute to the solid's rigidity.

What is the relationship between the amount of space between particles and the state matter?

the particles go with the state of matter in slid liquid and gas each one of the states of matter have particles. gases particles are always moving around example water vapor..solids particles are stuck in place but viberate and liquid is pretty much the same as gas