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Q: What would the particles of choclate look like compared to the same amount of particles in liquid form?
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How do the particles in a liquid moves?

compared to particles in a solid, the particles in a liquid are more loosely connected and can collide with and move past one another.

How do particles in a liquid make it possible to pour liquid into a glass?

it has some what amount of liquid particles so you can por it into a solid object

Why are particles in liquid are held less firmly compared to solids?

this is because the the particle in liquid have lower attraction force between particle compared to solid

Compare movement in a hot liquid compared with cold liquid?

the particles move faster because there warmer

In which states of matter particles motion Is maximum?

In the gaseous state. Gas particles have the highest kinetic energy compared to liquid and solid particles.

Compared to the particles in a hardened lava sample the particles in a liquid lava sample?

Have less kinetic energy

Do particles move faster in a gas or liquid?

Particles generally move faster in a gas compared to a liquid. In a gas, particles have more energy and move more freely and quickly as they are not as tightly packed as in a liquid. Conversely, in a liquid, particles are closer together and interact more, resulting in slower movement.

1 milliliter of liquid is what amount of milligrams?

Milligram is a weight and cannot be compared to a liquid volume.

What would water particles look like compared to ice particles?

Ice particles form rigid crystalline structures. Liquid water is more fluid and dense.

How are the paricles in a liquid?

Particles in a liquid have only a small amount of space between each other. They have more energy then solid particles but less energy than gas particles. Particles in liquid roll over each other this is what causes water to flow.

How do the particles of a liquid make it possible to pour juice into glass?

The particles of a liquid retain the same volume but are not fixed in place. As they retain the same volume no matter what container they are in, it is possible to pour juice into a glass without the particles dispersing as the particles of a gas would. Because the particles of a liquid are not fixed in place, as in a solid, the liquid can flow and fit itself to the shape of the glass.

Particles in a liquid move around just as freely as particles in a solid?

Solid: Locked in a crystaline structure, however they do vibrate slightly. Liquid: Particles are attracted to one another but can flow freely. Gas: Particles move with total freedom.