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Q: If the president appoints a Supreme Court judge then congress may?
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What appoints the judges to the supreme court?

The President appoints federal judges and the appointments are approved by the Senate in Congress.

Which branch appoints supreme court justicesfederal judgesambassadors and cabinet membeers?

The president appoints and congress approves.

Who appoints the supreme court justices?

The president appoints the supreme court justices

Who appoints the supreme court judges in India?

In INDIA, the President appoints the supreme court judges

Who appoints Supreme Court Justices?

The President

How do supreme court justices get into the supreme court?

The president appoints them when there is a opening.

How are supreme court justices selected?

the president appoints them and the congress questions them

What appoints Supreme Court Justices?

the president

What branch appointed Supreme Court Justices?

Supreme Justices are nominated by the Senate.Then, the President appoints the justices. Therefore,the executive branch appoints supreme court justices

Who appoints the judge of supreme court in India?

president of India

Who appoints the judges of the Supreme Court of India?

president of India

Who has the power to appoint a new supreme court justice?

The President appoints new supreme court justices.