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No but the predator will be having a very bad day. Its the basic food chain. If a lion gets killed by a Hyena it dose not make the hyena the preditor since that was a lucky kill, where in normal circumstances the lion would have eaten the hyena

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Q: If the prey eats the predator is the prey then a predator and the predator now the prey?
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Do predator eat prey or prey eats predators?

A deer predator eats deer.

How can an animal can be both a predator and a prey?

a predator can be prey, for example cats eat birds and cayotes eat cats for example a cat eats birds and cayotes eat cats A predator is an animal that hunts its prey, kills it and eats it. Prey is that which predators hunt, kill and eat. A snake eats mice, therefore it is a predator but an eagle eats snakes, therefore the snake is now a prey.

What is the name of the animal that eats the prey?

A predator eats prey.

Relationship between predator and prey?

predator hunts and eats prey.

What is a relationship between predator and prey?

a predator eats a prey.

Example of predator-prey?

A lion (predator) kills and eats a zebra (prey).

Is a snake a predator or a prey when it eats a frog?


How are the terms predator and prey related?

A prey is what a predator hunts down to kill and eat. A prey's predator is what eats it. For example: A gazelle is the prey of a leopard (predator).

Define predator prey?

A Predator Prey is what pedators eat. For example: a snake eats a little rat (the snake is the PREDATOR and the rat is the predator or snakes PREY)

What is a counsumer that eats a other counsumers?

a predator eats the prey

Which type of relationship is a robin eats earthworms?

Predator and prey relationship because the prey of the animal is what the predator eats so it's a predator and prey relationship. Info found on science link 7

What does the predator do to its prey?

Hunts it, kills it, eats it