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Most people that dispute it don't dispute it in it's entirety. Humans do adapt and life forms evolve, just the rate is an unknown or how environmental factors effect it and which one(s) It also does not rule out Creation both could actually coexist.

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Q: If the theory of evolution is fake how would you explain the skeletons considering were proven real?
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something that is proven to be true.

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Science is able to explain everything. However that does not mean that they are right. Some scientists feel that man is smart enough to figure everything out so they try. These are called theories. Ideas that haven't been or necessarily can be proven. They have theorized evolution but they have never been able to prove it.

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This is a common misconception. A theory is an idea that has been proven over and over through time and through many experiments, Such as the theory of gravity: The media usually confuses this with a Hypothesis, which would explain your confusion.

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No they do not.......... Scientist have proven it scientifically and it is too complicated to explain into umcomplicated.......................

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