

Best Answer

Here is a thought-experiment that can help answer the question:

If the time required for you to run around the block increased,
would that mean that you were running faster or slower ?

If the time required to finish anything increases, it must be due
to the fact that the process is moving slower.

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Q: If the time for earth to rotate once increased would it rotate faster or slower?
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Does earth move faster or slower when in an elliptical orbit?

Slower or faster than what? - When the Earth is nearer the Sun (periapsis), it moves faster than when it is farther away from the Sun (apapsis).

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The energy in tides primarily comes from the gravitational pull of the moon and, to a lesser extent, the sun. Ocean tides are generated as the gravitational forces from the moon and sun interact with the Earth's rotation, causing the water to bulge and creating tidal patterns.

Only one side of the moon faces Earth because?

This is common for most moons. - Assuming that the Moon ever rotated faster than now, over time it would have rotated slower and slower, due to tidal forces. (Similarly, if it rotated slower, such tidal forces would have make it rotate faster.) Similarly, the Earth's rotation slows down over time, and in a far future, it will always face the same side to the Moon.

Would the earth spin faster or slower if their was no moon?

Probably faster: The Moon has been slowing down Earth's rotation for quite a while.

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They would weather slower than on earth due to different amts of wind and rain than on earth.

Does mars rotate faster than the earth?

Yes, It does. Considering Newtonian physics and assuming circular orbit for simple calculations, this is because in order to equalize gravitational pull of Sun which is higher at Mars orbit, the centrifugal force must be adequately higher(and it rises proportionally to square of velocity).

Does Jupiter rotate faster then earth?

Yes. The planet Jupiter rotates once in about 11 hours.

Does venus travel throught space faster than earth?

Earth spins faster than Venus.Here's a link for information:

Would a planet that has a longer day spin faster or slower than earth?

yes it does