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In a resistive load circuit, the power = multiplication of voltage and Current. By increasing the voltage power will not be increased. Power is defined by the load as per its design. If the voltage is higher the load current will reduce. However running a load at double the rated voltage is not good for the device. Insulation may fail.

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When an alternating voltage is applied to a purely resistive circuit, the resulting current is in phase with the voltage.

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For an inductive load, the current lags the voltage by 90 degs. Hence the power factor for an inductive load is 0. For a capacitive load, the current leads the voltage by 90 degs. Hence the power factor for a capacitive load is 0. For a resistive load, the current and the voltage are in phase. Hence the power factor for a resistive load is 1.

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You use power factor when the load is not resistive, i.e. when it is reactive, and the phase angle between voltage and current is not zero.

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Power factor can be unity. If the load is purely resistive, then the load current and supply voltage are in phase, and the load will have unity power factor.

Calulate kw FROM single-phase voltage and ampere?

Watts = Voltage X Amperes X Power Factor Power Factor = Cosine of the Angle between Voltage and Current For purely resistive circuits, Power in Watts = Voltage X Amperes Watts divided by 1000 = kiloWatts

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Voltage and current will peak simultaneously when the power factor is exactly +1 or -1. This only occurs with a resistive load or source.

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when a resistive load is applied there is no phase angle difference between voltage and current. when a inductive load is applied there is phase difference between voltage and current. current lags voltage by an angle of 90 degrees for pure inductive load

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The voltage before it is hooked up to a resistive load.

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this is the amount of voltage a circuit can hold.

What is the phase angle between voltage and current in a purely resistive circuit?

The phase angle between voltage and current in a purely resistive circuit is zero. Voltage and current are in phase with each other.