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Unfortunately, no. I have a small jaw and since my teeth were already too crowded, my wisdom teeth grew in sideways. I had them all removed last summer hoping the other teeth would move back to a normal position (I can't close my mouth properly due to crowding) and my dentist said it was likely they would (I had asked for braces a couple of years ago but he suggested surgery instead). It's been a year now and my other teeth have stayed exactly where they were. In fact, the front two have moved forwards even more so I now have 'bunny teeth'. I've now got to wait until I can save up several thousand pounds to have surgery on both upper and low jaws, braces and then surgery on my nose because they told me the jaw surgery will change the shape of my nose afterwards!

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Q: If the wisdom tooth get pull out would the rest of the teeth move if there is no crown or bridge to replace the gap?
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Ok i lost three bottom front teeth i have all my wisdom teeth can i take my wisdom teeth and file them down to fit in the place of my missing teeth as replacement or at least an anchor for a bridge?

No That's impossible youll just have missing teeth regaurdless But you don't need your wisdom teeth

If wisdom teeth cause your teeth to get crooked Do your teeth get straight after you get your wisdom teeth extractions?

Not necessarily. Teeth tend to become more crowed as we age, especially the lower front teeth. This happens in some people regardless of whether they have wisdom teeth or not. Therefore, removing the wisdom teeth, solely for the purpose of hoping to get naturally straighter teeth, won't work.

What surgery did Jill and Jana duggar have?

Jana and Jill had their wisdom teeth removed.

Are there people who don't get wisdom teeth?

Yes, wisdom teeth or 3rd molars are the most commonly missing or deformed teeth.

Which four teeth are the last to grow in a persons mouth?

The wisdom teeth.

How much money does a dental bridge cost?

It depends on how big the bridge is and what it is made out of. A bridge with three teeth in it made out of non-precious metal can cost around $400. A six or seven unit zirconia bridge can cost as much as $2500.

Why do we need to remove wisdom teeth?

There is a need to remove wisdom teeth only if they cause problems or might cause them in the future. There are no proper benefits of removing wisdom teeth if there are no issues. Removing wisdom teeth without a reason can be painful and may come with side effects. There is a huge percentage of adults in Europe that have not gotten their wisdom teeth removed because there is no need. So the question is when should we get our wisdom teeth removed. Before you plan to get it removed, it is better to answer these few questions: - Have your wisdom teeth caused a problem to the nearby teeth, or do you see an increased risk of that happening? Are the wisdom teeth stopping the other teeth from developing in the right way? Will the wisdom teeth interfere with the dental treatments or any jaw-related treatments you have planned? What risks are associated with wisdom tooth removal surgery? Could the wisdom teeth replace the missing or badly damaged molar? If you have already positioned permanent teeth, the extra molars will force the teeth to move. It causes pain or overcrowding. That means it will get difficult to brush your teeth or floss effectively. Impacted wisdom teeth can affect the sinuses. Wisdom teeth have to be removed if the molar's growth causes pain or congestion. Oral health is very much essential. Therefore, make sure to consult your dentist regularly to prevent any dental issues from occurring. Visit Platinum Dental Care for the best quality dental treatments at affordable prices.

Are wisdom teeth baby teeth?


Which teeth are referred to as the wisdom teeth?

The teeth that are referred to as "wisdom teeth" are teeth numbered, 1, 16, 17, and 32. They are located the furthest in the back of the mouth. However, do not get these confused with the molars. The wisdom teeth come in where the gums are located.

Are back teeth baby teeth?

no they are wisdom teeth

Can you get your wisdom teeth twice?

No, just like you don't get your baby teeth back! You don't get your wisdom teeth back!

What is the world record for amount of Wisdom teeth?

The current world record for the highest number of wisdom teeth extracted from a single person is 232 teeth, belonging to Ashik Gavai from India in 2014.