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No, it does not mean that.Black holes and white holes are two different "solutions" of the equations of General Relativity; but that doesn't imply that one, or the other, actually exist. It is now almost certain that black holes exist; as for white holes, there are theoretical problems that may make them impossible, such as:

* A white hole is, in many aspects, there reverse of a black hole. And just as there is no way to destroy a black hole, there is no way to CREATE a white hole.

* It seems that in a white hole, entropy would decrease over time.

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No. White holes were a hypothesis which has never been shown to be correct.

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No, it does not mean that.

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Q: If there are black holes does that also mean that there are white holes scientifically?
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What are white holes?

Hypothetical celestial bodies that behave in an opposite manner to black holes and rather than pulling everything in they spit matter out. White holes also have a unstable gravity and collapse and turn into black holes.

Who did his research on white hole?

Subrahmanyam Chandrasekhar. Comment: Well, he did work on white dwarfs and also on black holes.

Who did research on white hole?

Subrahmanyam Chandrasekhar. Comment: Well, he did work on white dwarfs and also on black holes.

Is there a such thing as white holes and if there is what happens if a black hole collides with it?

It is not known whether there actually are white holes, or whether they might exist - and if they do, exactly what properties they would have. White holes are a possible solution to the equations of Relativity, but that doesn't mean they actually exist. The problem is that they are in a way the reverse of a black hole - nothing can get OUT OF a black hole, and nothing can get INTO white hole. As a result, it seems to be impossible to destroy a black hole... But similarly, it would also be impossible to create a while hole.

If you can't see black holes would you be able to see white holes?

No, you wouldn't. If the white hole spoken of in the question is the one associated with the black hole, it is a term applied to the reversal of time within the black hole. How can you see time reverse itself? Certainly you would not be able to see it from outside the black hole, and there are few volunteers for a trip in. Also, no one who goes in ever comes back, or even sends messages out. We won't be seeing white holes any time soon, if at all.

Does a galaxy contain black holes?

Not really "a" black hole - many black holes. It is currently believed that all, or most, galaxies have a huge black hole at its center. Any galaxy should also have lots of smaller black holes - so-called "stellar" black holes, because they have approximately the mass of a star (larger stars can become black holes).

Where did a black hole come from?

Most black holes form when massive stars exhaust their fuel and their cores collapse. There are also supermassive black holes at the centers of most galaxies. Scientists are not sure how supermassive black holes form.

Are black holes invisable?

Yes and no. It is rather hard to explain, because black holes are so dark and black that no living creature can see them, which in a sense makes them invisible, but you can also see where a black hole is because it sucks in light, too, so that would also, in a sense make it visible, but the my main answer would be, no black holes are not invisible.

If scientists cannot see black holes and do not know for certain that they exist why might studying them be important?

The assumptions are not quite correct.Scientists CAN see black holes. In fact, black holes are among the brightest objects in the Universe. Of course, light can't escape from WITHIN the black hole; rather, what we see is the accretion disk. Also, scientists are PRETTY SURE that black holes are real. As to why it is important: Black holes are fascinating objects by themselves. They also seem to play an important role in galaxy formation.

Why aren't there white holes and black dwarfs?

black holes create a strong gravitational pull that pulls everything into it, including light. and because light can't escape it's pull, then the black hole cannot radiate light, thus making it impossible to radiate light. and also, a white dwarf that has completely run out of fuel stops radiating light and becomes a black dwarf. so, black dwarfs do exist. it's simple logic, so the answers not to hard

Can black holes emit radiation?

Yes it is theorized that black holes constantly emit radiation in the form of thermal energy (Heat) also called Hawking radiation and black-body radiation.

Is the universe being consumed by the galactic black holes?

Even though black holes suck through parts of the universe, the universe is inevitably big, and growing so as the universe is being sucked into another dimension by black holes, it is also expanding.