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There are no rings around earth, or any of the rocky planets.

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Q: If there are rings orbiting your planet describe the rings?
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If there are rings orbiting my planet describe them Jupiter?

Yes. The rings of Uranus are composed of material in orbit around the planet.

Are there rings orbiting the planet Venus's?

no there is no rings or moons orbiting Venus. because there is no ring system.

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Are there rings orbiting earth if there are describe them and who discovered them and when?

the romen gods found the rings

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By Halos I believe you mean rings. The rings are actually millions of pieces of rock and ice orbiting a planet, similar to the two asteroid belts orbiting the sun. Everybody knows Saturn's rings, but Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus also have ring systems.

Are their rings orbiting Mercury?

There are no rings orbiting Mercury

Why does sataurn have rings?

it is dust and rocks/debris orbiting the planet, it is like how the moon orbits earth.

What planet with rings is the second largest planet in the Solar System?

Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system and has an extensive orbiting ring system.

Which planet has the biggest with rings most easily seen orbiting it?

Saturn - it's rings are visible using small telescopes from Earth.

Are there rings orbiting Uranus describe them and they were discover?

yes there is but they are faint so u cant really discribe them

Does Neptune have moons or rings?

As of June 2014, 14 moons have been found orbiting Neptune. The planet also has thin, unstable rings that are made if dust.

Does Mercury have anything orbiting it?

mercury has no moons or rings therefore it has nothing orbiting it although it orbits the sun.