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Q: If there is one God then why there are so many religions?
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Why is there only one god yet there exists so many different religions?

Different religions have different opinions about the one God. My own opinion about this is that God has sent different Messengers with His instructions, teachings, etc., at different times, but not all people recognize the different representatives as coming from one and the same God. Note, also, that not all religions actually believe in one single god.

Do you have to believe in god to be Catholic?

I think so, yes. Belief in God - or in some religions, in several gods - is an essential part of faith in many religions.

If there are so many religions how is one more dominant or for christians if God created the world why are there other gods that did the same thing?

there are all kinds of different beliefs for different religions. Christians believe in one God, other religions believe different from that. some people say the are three gods.

Is God an ET?

According to most religions God is independent of this universe (he existed before the universe and he created the universe). Many religions consider God to be omnipresent, so he is everywhere (including on earth, so he did not come here from outer space) at all times. So most religions would probably say that God is not an ET.

You have one God why so many reglions?

You have one God why so many religions is the same as we have one religion, eg. Christianity with so many sector; Catholic, Protestant, Methodist or one Buddah with many schools of thoufgts, Theravada, Mahyana, Varjayana or One Koran with different interpretation, Sunnah, Sunni. Many accepted that Buddhism is the syergy of Hinduism, where Buddhism is a refined version of Hinduism, while Islam is a follow up of Christinity (400 odd years later). Likewise if a key aspect of any religion (say Buddhism) is emplified it will soon be another school of thought of Buddhism. God's truth is only one but the truth is explained in many ways; therefore one God with many religions.

Why does God lie so much and make so many religions and make you believe things that are not true but seem true at that moment but ultimately are not which flies in the face of reality and God?

Because, unfortunately, God does not exist. All religions and God were in fact imagined and created by humans.

Does portugese believe in more than one god?

Portugal is a country with many different people, who believe in different religions, so it really depends. Many Portuguese are Christian; in which case they believe in a single God.

Explain how religious believers worship God?

There is no simple single answer.There are many religions and all differ to a greater or lesser extent on how they worship.Some religions do not have a god or gods so they would not worship one at all.You need to specify which religion you are referring to for a particular answer.

What if you didn't have so many different religions?

If there weren't so many religions, there would certainly be less terrorism. I'm assuming you're using the word religion in a 'god-worshiping' way, yes? If you think about how nearly everyone believes in a 'one true god', and they all just ground it down to one religion, then no one would be fighting for a belief; there wouldn't be bombers steering airplanes into buildings, or walking into subways/buses to kill everyone who opposes their god. If we didn't have so many different religions, there would be more peace. (Although, we'd still fight over other materialistic things like oil)

Is the god of different religions one or not?

Logically, no. There are as many potential religions as there are people, and the major religions of the world contradict one another about essential things, including the nature of God. They can't all be right when they say opposite things. It's warm and fuzzy to say that we all worship the same God, but logically impossible, given the tenants of the world religions. And so we have to face the responsibility of choosing what to believe (if anything), while respecting the rights of those who believe differently.

Who was the founder for each of the 6 main world religion?

some of them don't have founders like Hindu because there was no one that found it out many religions think their god created all religions so basically people think different.

What is religious evolution?

In ancient times all over the world there were so many religions with several Gods, some have become Mythology, some just disappear and others transform themselves, nowadays there are lots of religions with one God.