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There is no extra dollar. The barkeep maintained $25 The employee retained $ 2 The customers refunded $ 3 ___________________________ $30 Each customer paid $25/3 to the owner and $2/3 to the employee, for a grand total of $27 and a subsequent refund of $3.

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Q: If three guys walk into a club and pay 30 dollars and the owner gives five dollars to an employee to give back to the guys but keeps two dollars to himself what happens to the extra dollar?
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205 dollars, rounded to the nearest dollar, is 205 dollars!

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150 dollars, rounded to the nearest dollar, is 150 dollars!

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As of 30th June 2009: 1 Australian Dollar = 0.81 US DOllars 1 US Dollar = 1.24 Australian Dollars

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Nothing. A sand dollar would not poke you unless you are the one to pick it up. Sand dollars have little hand-like extensions on the bottom of them. They do not cause pain when you touch them, but sand dollars are fragile and alive, so be sure to be careful when handling them.

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567 dollars, rounded to the nearest dollar is ... wait for it ... 567 dollars!

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There are twenty half dollars in a ten dollar bill.

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Canadians dollars. One dollar coins are called 'Loonies', and two dollar coins are called 'Toonies'. Canadian dollar are very close to the American dollar, I believe. Also...I'm sorry but, it would be 'their' not 'there'.

How many dollars equal 10 quarter?

One quarter is 25 cents.One dollar is 100 cents.Thus there are 4 quarters in a dollar, and 40 quarters in 10 dollars.10 dollars = 40 quarters1 dollar = 4 quarters10 dollars = 10 dollars * 4 quarters/1 dollar = 40 quarters