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Time doesn't slow down.

When you move past an observer, he will notice that your clock is running slow.

But you will also notice that his clock is running slow.

I agree with you . . . this doesn't make sense, and it can't be. Unfortunately, it is.

Now, about that light wave. If we look at the question closely and carefully, it evaporates like smoke.

What in the world does it mean to say "time stands still for light waves" ?

It may help if we give you another basic fact about Relativity, and let you chew it over some more:

Anybody in motion . . . no matter how fast he's moving, as long as he's not accelerating . . .

experiences everything to be normal inside his capsule. There's no test he can do that will

tell him whether or not he's moving. And the speed of light . . . whether it comes from his own

flashlight or from anybody else's . . . is always the same: it's always the speed of light.

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