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IF the shelf is horizontal and both vases are absolutely identical, they will both have the same potential energy. However if they are different, then the vase that has the most mass will have more potential energy.

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Q: If to vases are side-by-side on a shelf how could one have more potential energy?
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The potential energy of the book on the shelf is equal to the work done to lift the book to the shelf. This is because the potential energy of an object at a certain height is equivalent to the work done against gravity to lift it to that height.

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Potential Energy If it falls, it will then be subject of gravity, so it has the potential of becoming energetic. -------------------- The bookshelf could also catch fire and the book would release energy as heat.

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Since potential energy equals mgh. When h, height increases potential energy also increases. If h is 0 then p.e is 0/

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Place it on a higher shelf. If it has to stay on the same shelf, then its potential energy can only be increased by adding some pages to it.

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It has mechanical energy. The exact type of energy is potential.

How if two vases are side by on a shelf one could have more potential energy?

because of the mass

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