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What happens is the food rots in the tank. This rotting/decay creates gas (Ammonia) and that will poison the fish and burn its gills. This results first in sick fish and then death.

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Q: If tropical fish food goes to the bottom of the tank and sits there can the fish get contaminated?
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yesYes, they can. Goldfish can eat tropical fish food my Goldfish loves it! Except catfish need those tablet food they CANNOT eat tropical fish food! hope this helps XD

What do tropical fishes eat?

I have tropical fish and i feed them fish food which says on the label 'tropical fish'.But tropical fish that live in the ocean eat either other smaller fish or worms, really anything they can find.

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Can marine fish eat tropical fish food?

Yes it can From Chris

What are the main ingredients in tropical fish food?

The main ingredients in tropical fish food for aquariums usually includes macro nutrients. Similarly, fish food also contains trace elements and vitamins for good health.

What do tropilcal fish eat?

Tropical fish eat lettuce tropical food you can get at wal-mart for a cheap price and on the label it will say tropical fish food.No LettuceNo BreadNo Worms

If you feed your goldfish tropical fish food will it get sick or die?

It won't die, but coldwater fish have different nutritional needs from tropical fish. It just won't be as healthy as it should be with the proper food.

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Is it safe to feed goldfish tropical fish food?

Different species of fish have different food requirements. Tropical Flakes are designed to feed a mix of tropical fish species. Goldfish food is a product that has been produced specifically to supply all the dietary needs of a goldfish. So yes goldfish can eat whatever you give them including Tropical fish food but it will not neccessarilly be doing the fish much good though.