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A woman's menstruation cycle is generally 28 days long, but could last anywhere between 25 to 35 days (or even longer).

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Q: If trying to conceive a girl and ovulation starts on Oct 26 will intercourse on Oct 23 and 24 possibly be a girl and what happens if intercourse happens on Oct 26 as well as days up to 3 day's before?
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Related questions

What happens to the uterus between each ovulation?

Between each ovulation, the lining the uterus is shed in the menstrual cycle. If the egg is fertilized, no further ovulation occurs and no menstrual shedding happens.

Why is it not as easy to get pregnant on your period then when your not on your period?

Ovulation usually happens in the middle of a woman's period (10-15 days after period) and is the period when the woman is fertile. That is why it is highly unlikely that women get pregnant during their period. Pregnancy is most likely if intercourse occurs anywhere from 6 days before ovulation until 2-3 days after ovulation, however, this varies and it depends on the length and regularity of a woman's periods and how long the sperm lives after intercourse. To avoid pregnancy it is best to use protection all the time but to get pregnant it is a good idea to buy ovulation-tests. Hope this helps.

What happens when ovulation does not stop after fertilisation?

the fetus will die.

What happens to the follicles after ovulation?

it turns into the corpus luteum

An increase in the hormone FSH at approximately day 14 causes ovulation?

No, ovulation happens due to rising in LH level .

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What is meant by the term ovulation?

Ovulation usually happens 14 days before the start of your next period. It is vital for woman to ovulate to release a mature egg to their uterus in order to become pregnant. That's why it is really essential for women who are trying to conceive to know when they are ovulating.

If your period is on the 13th of February when will be your ovulation?

Ovulation generally happens approximately two weeks into the

What is the perfect time of inter-cost so you get a child?

You mean intercourse. I learned about this in my religion class. There are certain times where a woman is most fertile. Ovulation happens usually on the 14th of a women's menstruation cycle. Woman will be most fertile on this day. Generally a women's most fertile period is a few days before and after ovulation. Keep in mind that each women is different though. In order to tell when a women will ovulate, an ovulation test should be done.

What happens in a news room?

People having intercourse.

What is runny dhiarria?

It Happens to women after Sexiual intercourse

Why is the fertile period longer than just the day of ovulation in a menstrual cycle?

Mainly because sperm can live for up to a week in the proper environment. Your uterus and fallopian tubes - in the week prior to ovulation, just happens to have the perfect environment for sperm to wait for ovulation! So even tho we only have a narrow window of 12 to 24 hours to conceive, we have the whole week prior where we graciously play hostess to a half a million or so sperm waiting at the gate (so to speak).