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This individual will show a mixture of these two traits

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Q: If two alleles have incomplete dominance what will resulting phenotype be for an individual who carries on copy of each allele?
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If two alleles have incomplete dominance what will the resulting phenotype be for an individual who carries one copy of each allele?

the individual will show a mixture of these two trait.

Dominance resulting in the blending of alleles?

Incomplete dominance

What is the difference between incomplete dominance and codominance?

co dominance is when there is no dominant or reccessive traits just lie in in incomplete dominance the diffrence is in co dominance the are mkore chromosomes

Example of incomplete dominance?

An example of incomplete dominance is when a white flower and red flower mate and create a pink flower. The white and red colors mix creating the pink. Neither allele is dominant, resulting in a combination of the two.

If A red flowered plant is crossed with a white flowered plant all of the offspring is pink what inheritance pattern is this?

Incomplete dominance: for example is seen in hair type inheritance. Curly hair type (CC) is dominant to straight hair type (cc). An individual who is heterozygous for this trait will have wavy hair (Cc).

What is the difference of complete dominance and incomplete dominance?

Complete Dominance: Where in the dominant gene completely masks the effect of the resesive gen in heterozygous conditions. Ex. Tt or Rr. Incomplete Dominance: When 2 or more alleles influence a phenotype. Ex. Flowers. Codominance: When both alleles for a gene are expressed in heterozygous offspring. Ex. Bloodtype.

Is incomplete dominance caused by each allele equally influences the offspring?

not really. that would be co-dominance. incomplete dominance is when a heterozygote genotype is expressed as intermediate between the two alleles. for example: if you cross a red snapdragon (RR) with a white snapdragon (WW) all the offspring will be RW which will code for a different color, such as pink.

Which of the following is the best definition of the term phenotype?

Genotype is the alleles (different forms of a gene) which an individual has with respect to a particular characteristic. The Phenotype is how these genes are expressed in an individual.

When one black mice are introduced to white mice and grey mice are created what is this called?

Since grey is an intermediate color created from the parental colors black and white, this is an example of incomplete dominance. In incomplete dominance, the offspring receives an allele for color from each parent in wiich there is no complete dominance (no letter oding (allele) in itsel is not domiant or more powerful than the other), therefore the alleles are equally powerful and the colors blend to form an intermediate. fAnother example of incomplete dominance would be pink flowers resulting from parents colored red and white

What shows the physical trait resulting from a genotype?

Yes. That is almost exactly the definition of a phenotype.

A dogs phenotype can be determined by?

In sexual reproduction, traits are determined by the alleles of an individual's genes inherited from their parent's cells after it has undergone meiosis. The alleles of the parents are randomly selected depending on the chromosomes of the sperm and ova which connect. The 24 pairs of resulting chromosomes in a new individual's cells (half from both parents) determine their traits as each chromosome with DNA and gene segments have traits. Whether the traits show up are resulting to the dominance of the alleles from the inherited chromosomes.

Can you have to male panther geckos in a cage?

No - they will fight for dominance, resulting in stress for the 'weaker' of the two.