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it will be a covalent bond

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Q: If two fluorine atoms bonded with each other what kind of bond would be involved?
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What bond type does fluorine have?

Fluorine atoms have a covalent bond between each other to form a covalent molecule. Fluorine bonded to a metal will have ionic bonds. Fluorine bonded to a non-meatl will have polar covalent bonding.

Will fuorine atoms form bonds?

Yes. If you'd like an example, Fluorine is naturally a diatomic, meaning in nature, you find it as F2- or, there are 2 Fluorine atoms bonded to each other already.

What is tetrafluoride?

Tetrafluoride is a chemical made of four fluorine atoms. It is often combined with other elements such as carbon. This CF4 is used as a refrigerant.

Why do atoms tends to be bonded to other atoms?

The correct answer is: Atoms are often more stable when bonded to other atoms

Why do atoms tend to be bonded to other atoms'?

The correct answer is: Atoms are often more stable when bonded to other atoms

Is fluorine gas an element compound or mixture?

A compound is simply different elements bonded to each other, in this case tin (Sn) and two fluorine atoms (F).

What type of bond does hydrogen and fluorine make?

Fluorine atoms have a covalent bond between each other to form a covalent molecule. Fluorine bonded to a metal will have ionic bonds. Fluorine bonded to a non-meatl will have polar covalent bonding.

Why are most atoms chemically bonded to other atoms in nature?

The correct answer is: Atoms are often more stable when bonded to other atoms

Why do oxygen and hydrogen have subscripts of 2?

Oxygen and Hydrogen, along with Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, and Nitrogen, to not exist naturally as single atoms. O2 stands for an oxygen molecule, which is made up of two oxygen atoms bonded together. H2 stands for two Hydrogen atoms bonded together. Sometimes atoms are bonded together for other reasons. This notation means the same no matter what the element. For example, Ca2 would stand for two calcium atoms bonded together.

Atoms chemically bonded with other atoms are known as what?


Why do atoms tend to be bonded to other atoms?

The correct answer is: Atoms are often more stable when bonded to other atoms

Which atoms acquires the most negative charge in a covalent bond with hydrogen?

Fluorine has the most negative charge when it is bonded with hydrogen, rather than any other element in the periodic table.