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They are two in a set of triplets.

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Q: If two kids are born two minutes apart on the same day in the same month in the same year and are related and they are not twins what are they?
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In new moon are Jane and Alec only a few minutes apart?

they are twins exactly

How far apart can twins be born?

There are one set of twins that were born 87 days apart. One baby was born on June 1, 2012. The next baby was born on August 26, 2012.

What is the term given to describe sisters who are born less than a year apart?

Just sisters unless they were born a few minutes, or hours apart and then they would be twins.

Can twins be different ages?

Theoretically, yes. Twins are usually born at least a few minutes apart, sometimes an hour or two apart. It is rarely possible for delivery of twins to be spaced out even more than that. If a woman delivered one twin shortly before midnight and the another twin shortly after midnight, then the two twins would be born in different days and actually have different birthdays--so they would be 1 day apart in age. Twins are different ages in every case. However, the question is by what time difference. In other words, one minute, two minutes, ten minutes. Still, you will not find them separated by much more in most cases. Twins develop within the the same pregnancy.

Are you considered an Irish twin if you are exactly 1 year apart?

Yes, siblings born less than a year apart are often referred to as Irish twins. This term is not accurate historically as it is not exclusive to Irish families, and the modern use of this term can be considered offensive.

Are twins exactly the same age or is one of them older by just a few seconds?

Twins usually have the same birthdays but one is always older. Sometimes they are born minutes or even hours apart.

Are cole and Dylan Sprouse fraternal twins?

[deleted by author]

What the closest age of the duggar children?

Some of the Duggar children were born just minutes apart because there are two sets of twins in the family.

Are Mary-Mary twins?

yes they are No, They arent twins, They are 2yrs apart

What is the Minnesota Twins study?

Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart

Can twins be 15 months apart?

No, twins are born from the same pregnancy.

Are all identical twins born in the month of June?

No. Identical twins are born anytime. No specific month.