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Q: If two sounds vary in frequency they are perceived as differing in?
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Why aren't all sounds a like?

Sound waves vary from frequency, pitch, speed and wavelengths all affecting the sound.

Sounds can vary in volume and what?

Sound waves can vary in amplitude (volume), fequency (pitch), and wave length. Wave length is a resulting factor of frequency as the speed is usually constant. approx 350m/s. Speed = wavelength x frequency (speed = distance / time, frequency = 1/time)

What are the two elements of sounds?

Sounds, which are mechanical energy, vary in both frequency and amplitude. The pitch of a sound, the "highness" or "lowness" of that sound is a function of its frequency. Higher frequency equal higher pitch. The amplitude of a sound is the sound energy or "loudness" of the sound. The higher the amplitude of the sound wave, the more energy in the wave and the louder it is. source, medium and sender

How do you change the speed of motor without change pole and frequency?

On an AC motor you basically vary the frequency on a DC you can vary the voltage.

How does the frequency vary with the length of a pendulum?

The frequency of a pendulum varies with the square of the length.

How does the amount of energy carried by electromagnetic waves vary by frequency?

You are asking two Questions at once: How does the energy of the different waves of the spectrum vary with frequency? and How does the energy of the different waves of the spectrum vary with wave length? f (Frequency) = c / Lambda.

How does the pitch of sound vary with frequency?

pitch corresponds directly with frequency, so as frequency increases, so does pitch.

How does frequency of a pendulum vary with its length?

The frequency of a pendulum is inversely proportional to the square root of its length.

How do you differentiate FM from PM signal?

A: FM means frequency Modulation meaning the frequency remain the same. pulse modulation the frequency can vary

Do you have to be 21 to be a uber driver?

You will need to contact the licencing department of the authority where you live as ages in differing countries vary

Will frequency of any signal vary according to time?

Only if the frequency needs to change, such as in one of a variety of modulation techniques.

Electromagnetic waves vary in?

Electromagnetic waves vary in wavelength, Energy and frequency E = hf = hc/w.