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One view: * No, if they eat and defecate regularly and continue with their normal behavior without the crowing, you need not be concerned. Another view: * My rooster stops crowing in the winter. Yet Another View: * You don't need to worry you may in fact have two hens that some times crow and have not started to lay eggs yet.

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Q: If two young henless well-fed active city backyard roosters suddenly stop crowing should you be concerned?
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Do Roosters ever get to old to crow?

We have the same problem. We have tw roosters and 28 hens. They are the White Leghorns. Generally the roosters take turns crowing. Lately the flock has been looks like snow in our coop. The roosters are not crowing. I have looked for an answer as you have. Interesting we both have the same problem. It looks like molting may have something to do with them not crowing.

Fake owl hung by rooster will it keep rooster from crowing?

No. Roosters crow when they see light, it's instinctive.

What does the idiom something worth crowing for mean?

It's not an idiom because you can figure out the meaning. Roosters crow to show the other chicken's who's the boss, so crowing means you're proud of yourself. Something worth crowing about would be something you deserve to be proud about.

Does the rooster have to crow to fertilise the eggs?

All roosters crow. But the crowing IS NOT what fertilizes the eggs. They are fertilized when the male mates with the female.

How do you spell cockedoddlen roster?

The likely term is a "cockadoodling rooster" (crowing roosters are said to sound like cock-a-doodle-doo).

What breed of chicken has quiet cockerels?

All roosters crow. There is no breed I am aware of that makes no noise. Crowing is a big part of the roosters job, he is the guardian of the flock and must keep the flock alert and danger away. This is done partly by crowing.

What time of day do roosters start crowing?

There is no "certain" time of day that roosters crow. Many things can cause a roosters alarm to sound off; things in the enviroment, and intruder, having a "crowing fight" with the rooster down the street, etc

Rooster How old must a rooster be before it starts crowing?

We have two that share the same hatch date. One started crowing around 5 months old. The other not until almost 8 months old. I suppose there is a standard, but my roosters were to stubborn to follow it.

Will spliting a roosters tonge stop it from crowing?

NO! The only way to keep a rooster from crowing is to get it de-crowed. It is just the same as de-barking a dog. All you have to do is remove its vocal chords. DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME UNLESS YOU HAVE DONE IT MORE THAN 10 TIMES WITHOUT FAILING.

What is it that seems to chase the ghost away in hamlet?

A cock (rooster) crowing. Roosters are, of course, supposed to crow at dawn, and the ghost says he must return to Purgatory before then.

How did cockerels get their crow?

It is natural for cockerels to crow, they start practicing at about 4 months old. Crowing is communication. Roosters use it for a variety of reasons. They call to the hens to warn them of danger, to lead them back home and to reassure them he is on duty. He also uses his crow to challenge other roosters.

What does crowing mean?

The crows referes to the loud cry of a rooster. This is said to be a wake up call for farmers before there was alarm clocks. Roosters do the crow when the sun comes up everyday.