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The dimensions of the Andromeda Galaxy are about 190 minutes x 60 minutes (3 degrees+10 minutes x 1 degree) , which is far larger than the Moon's apparent size of 30 minutes (1/2 degree)

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Q: If we could see unaided the entire disk of the Andromeda Galaxy with the same brightness as its center would the moon be large enough to totally eclipse it?
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I have only seen one total eclipse - the one in 1999 in Hungary. Three minutes is a long time for totality. As long as the sun is covered by the moon, it is safe to see with the unaided eye. Before and after the diamond ring, it is harmful to see the sun directly.

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Yes it is. Everything you can see without a telescope (nd most of what you can see with a small telescope) is within the Milky Way galaxy with the notable exception of the Andromeda galaxy which you can see with the unaided eye. (But it should be pretty dark to be able to see it).

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