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You're not pregnant if you haven't had sex

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Q: If you're 12 and your periods aren't regular and you started late this month or missed but start the beginning of the next what is it caused by your period or are you preg I don't remember having sex?
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You are 19 years old and vargin getting periods once in two months from the beginning. is there any health problem?

If you have started your periods that's fine you haven't got regular cycle, but if its been a long time ask someone or go to your gp.

If you just started with your sex life and You skipped your periods for 1 month what to do to start your periods?

You sound young and if this is true your periods may not be regular yet. There also is a possibility that you are pregnant. I would suggest you see a doctor.

You haven't started your periods yet and your mum and sister started when they were 12 why haven't you?

Menarch (the beginning of menstruation) is dependent on body mass; if you are quite skinny or underweight, you might not start having periods for several months. You should see your family doctor if you are especially worried about it.

Can you have breast cancer because you started periods at age eleven?

Beginning menstruation at the age of 11 is not abnormally early, but the longer you have periods, the greater the risk of breast cancer. You need to take the normal precautions that all women should - regular self-checks and annual doctor's checks. If you have additional risk factors such as a family history of breast cancer, then seek advice for the checks you should have.

I am 43 this monthi'm wondering could i be starting the menopause becayse my periods are regular but my last one was the 20th of march and we always use condoms as contraception?

I am 45 and usually have regular, if not early periods but this month I got moody and angry about two days before it should have started and then it just never came. Can I be pregnant at this age?

Is the period you get after means your period will be regular?

no it doesnt mean that all the time.some people have regular periods without missing one ever, others may miss a a few months at a time, this is completely normal it may mean that your still a bit too young for periods yet.i know a lot of people with that case, one of my close friends started her periods at the age of 9, then they stopped for a couple years and came back regular..i dont like my periods because they take all the life out of me, but i guess its just a sign that your going into womanhood.i hope this helps,-e

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I started my period last year and had a few periods but now i havn't had one for eight months I'm not sexually active and the periods i did have were really irregular. What wrong with me?

Don't worry. It is very comon. Make sure you talk with your mom or another adult you trust. Then talk with your doctor. There is medicine you can take to help make your periods regular. Don't worry.

You are 12 and you have started your periods what shall you do?

Speak to your mother.

Has Stevie started his periods?

Nahh Aha x

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My periods get late everytime about 45days or 60days then it startedwat can you do to get them regular?

my periods get late every time about 45days to 60days then it started,wat can i do to get them regular???secondly after how many days after period i can do sex??when i know after sex pregnancy chances???i have no baby yet i got married last year about 1 and half year ago,in the begining we have not decided to give birth but now i wish to have childrens...