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This can happen when the doseage of the pill in no longer correct for your body or due to pregnancy or a hormonal inbalance.

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Q: If you've been on birth control pills for two years what could be causing your last two cycles to have started a week early?
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Birth Control So I just started birth control today Wednesday but my period started yesterday Tuesday and I have the 28 pack I was wondering if I am taking them right?

You should call your doctor to get clarification of how to take your birth control pills. Birth control pills are supposed to be started on the Sunday after your period begins.

What is the best birth control for regulating menstrual cycles?

This is a question for your doctor or midwife as they know you and needs.

Why do gay people use birth control pills?

Lesbian women may use birth control to regulate their menstrual cycles, which is a major reason many women use it.

What are the affects on the regularity of the menstrual cycle when someone goes off of birth control?

It takes about a year to get your body back into balance. You may miss periods for quite some time or even have more than one period a month. It depends on the woman. It's great you are off the pill because they aren't that good for you. Birth control, short-term, used for heavy bleeding or uncontrolled periods can be a good thing, but to take them for years is dangerous.

Why is it that after you started taking birth control pill and your period stopped a few days later you started bleeding again?

Bleeding between periods is common in the initial weeks of using hormonal birth control. It normally settles down within three cycles. If it lasts longer or is bothersome, talk to your health care provider about changing formulas.

How do oral contraceptives specifically birth control pills prevent pregnancy?

They interfere with a woman's normal hormonal cycles.

Can you take morning after pill with birth control if you just started birth control?

Yes, you can take the morning after pill with birth control. If you have any medical questions, you will need to speak to your doctor.

Is it normal to get your period twice a month when you first start taking birth control?

Yes birth control changes your cycle causing your body to have to adjust to the birth control after a few weeks it should become a normal schedule.

Birth Control So I just started birth control today Wednesday but my period started yesterday Tuesday and I have the 28 pack I was wondering if I am taking them right when should i get a new pack?

I believe that you are supposed to start your birth control pack on the Sunday after your period starts.

Start new birth control pack haven't started period?

You should take birth control on schedule regardless of bleeding. Hormonal birth control can sometimes cause a missed period.

Can you get pregnant after misscarring?

unless you have started a form of birth control,Yes.

Your period started yesterday you have a pack of birth control pills Is there anything you can do to make it stop once it has started?

If you start the birth control pill now, the period is likely to be shorter, although that's not guaranteed.