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There is no special meaning associated with bleeding on the contraceptive implant.

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Q: If you've had the contraceptive implant fitted a year ago and have had no period since why would it start again practically a year to the day?
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Can you get pregnant if you bleed whislt you have the contraceptive implant?

There is a very low risk of getting pregnant whilst you have the implant fitted even if you continue to have your period :)

Does the contraceptive implant affect your period?

Yes, the contraceptive implant affects your period. Some women have unpredictable bleeding, and others have none.

Can you be pregnant if your period is light and late if you have the contraceptive implant?

Pregnancy on the contraceptive implant is not likely. Lighter bleeding is normal on the contraceptive implant, as is changes in timing. You should not expect a regular, monthly episode of bleeding on the implant.

When does your period become regular after stopping the contraceptive implant?

After stopping the contraceptive implant, your menstrual cycle will return to its previous pattern (whether regular or irregular) in four to six weeks.

How long after giving birth is normal for your period to return if you have breastfeed and had implanon implant?

Both breastfeeding and the contraceptive implant can prevent bleeding.

Is the contraceptive implant more than 98 percent effective and can it be combined with the birth control pill?

If inserted during your period or within five days of the end of a pregnancy, the contraceptive implant is immediately effective. If inserted at any other time, it becomes effective after seven days.

How soon after miscarriage is it safe to use implanon?

You can use the contraceptive implant immediately after miscarriage. There is no waiting period needed.

I've had the contraceptive implant for 1 month and I was fine in the beginning however for the last two weeks I've had black period like discharge what do I do?

You should immediately contact your gynecologist and tell him/her about your contraceptive problem.

Can I be pregnant while on Nexplanon and have had a period for 3 weeks?

It is extremely rare to get pregnant on the contraceptive implant. It is one of the most effective methods of reversible contraception. If you are on the implant and bleeding, it is very unlikely that you're pregnant.

How long before getting pregnant after stopping implanon now that you had period?

You may get pregnant at any time after stopping the contraceptive implant. If you had a period, your body is likely ovulating at this point.

Is having a period for 2 weeks bad while on the birth control inplantion?

Irregular bleeding or spotting is common on the contraceptive implant. It's not a sign of a problem, necessarily.

I recently had my contraceptive implant renewed however due to my periods being irregular i had it renewed when i wasnt on my period am i protected against pregnancy staright away?

If you had one implant removed before its deadline and had another one put in that day, you have immediate protection.