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Q: If you've had two children and then had a set of non identical twins and are pregnant again what sre the chances of having another set of twins?
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What are the chances of identical twins?

the chances of having identical twins are about 1 in 300.

Can you get pregnant if you have pid again?

Chances of pregnancy decrease if you get another bacterial infection.

What are the chances of you getting pregnant by two different guys in one night One guy didnt get off in me and another guy did?

The chances are not to big but you can. It matters were you in your fertility cycle or not.

What are the chances of missing your period and being pregnant?

It just depends on the person. Another factor is whether or not you have had intercourse in the month before.

You are 15 weeks pregnant with identical twins and you were wondering what your chances are of losing one or both of them and their heart beats are 147 and 141 are these strong and normal heartbeats?

Anything between 120-160 is considered normal.

What are the chances of a fourteen getting another fourteen year old pregnant on first try?

There's a 25-75 chance favoring that you would not get her pregnant. You could use a condom and not get her pregnant, or you don't use a condom and you have a chance at getting her pregnant.

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chances of getting pregnant

Does endemetriosis minimise your chances of getting pregnant?

Unfortunately it can. But if treated correctly and quickly enough you stand a very good chance of being able to have children.

What are the chances you can still get pregnant with a history of PID?

Your chances are better than average.

Are the chances to get pregnant higher when you just got off the pill?

no. the chances of you getting pregnant are the same as if you hadn't taken birth control in months.

What are chances of getting pregnant after a missed miscarriage?

There shouldn't be a problem to get pregnant again.

Can you get pregnant days after you ovulate?

You can get pregnant anytime. Your chances are increased when you're ovulating.