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Having a fever can make you feel cold and shiver from sweating. It is nature's way to cool you off from a fever. You may also feel hot with a fever. You can have a fever with the Swine Flu (Novel H1N1), so you may feel either way from the fever. See related question links below for more information about swine flu symptoms.

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Q: If you Had Swine Flu Would you Be Cold Or Hot?
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Related questions

Having Hot flashes nausea and fainting what is it?

Hot flashes, nausea, and fainting could be the flu. You will often feel hot, then cold, be very sick to your stomach, and faint because of dehydration.

Can the Swine Flu spread faster in hot weather?

Germs do breed faster in warmer climates. However, swine flu is just as likely to spread in summer as it is in winter.

How do you use the hot and cold in a sentence?

The house had hot and cold running water. When I had the flu, I alternately felt hot and cold.

Is there a region in the world where the swine flu is more common?

I don't know for sure but since its not been answered I would assume, It would be in more common in tropical destinations, Hot, humid places. Because viruses spread quickly in a warm environment rather to a cold one.

Ive been sick and feverish for a week throwing up and getting anyone around me sick what kind of contagious flu or cold do you have?

Swine flu, a severe strain of the flu, or stomach flu. Boil water, put thin slices of ginger in and boil it with brown sugar for 3mins. Drink it while it is hot. Add a lot of ginger. That will help your immune system and blood circulation.

Is it normal for my child with a fever for 3 days to suddenly drop down to 96 degrees?

this may be nothing to do with it, but a child or patient with swine flu will have a very vairying temperature, so one day they will be very hot, another, cold and so on. No. If this were my child, I would take him/her to the doctor ASAP.

Should I be worried about the swine flu virus as the area I live in is a hot spot area?

you should not worry. you should follow all the procedures and reccomendations to avoid getting sick by the flu.

What if you are pale but you feel hot?

you probably have a cold or a flu, I feel like this when I am ill.

Why do you get hot when you have a cold?

The flu that makes you hot because flu typically causes a rise in body temperature. Colds make you feel cold because the blood flow is diverted from the skin to the respiratory tract to help fight the cold viral infection.

Is it a cold the flu or allergies?

The flu (full name influenza) is caused by a virus. You can differentiate between an allergic reaction like hay fever and infection with the flu by watching for fever, hot and cold chills and muscle aches - all of these are common with the flu but uncommon in an allergic reaction.

How can cold and flu be treated?

eat chicken noodle soup it really helps and hot tea with honey and lemon in it

Would It be hot or cold in France?
