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The extent of liability depends on whether the married couple reside in a community property state and if so, if the accounts were established during the marriage. Married couples residing in community property states, other than Wisconsin and Texas are usually equally responsible for debts regardless of which spouse is the account holder.

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Q: If you and your spouse have separate credit card accounts are you liable for your spouse's balance if he defaults?
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No. Only the biological parents pay for their children, not the new spouses. Make sure you talk about and address the situation before you get married. It's a very common reason for divorce. You would be wise to maintain separate bank accounts.

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I don't have the actual numbers, but I do know that it's quite common for many married couples to have separate checking accounts. This is often more convenient for them, since many of them split the household bills when both spouses are employed. Also, if one spouse's income is enough to pay the monthly bills, they will put the other spouse's paychecks into a savings account and live off just the one income in order to save for a house, retirement, or just to have a financial safety net in case of a crisis, such as one of them losing their job or a major illness.

If you marry after filing bankruptcy does your credit score affect your spouses credit score?

You can do it either way. It mostly depends on the financial situation you are in and if you have joint accounts or single accounts. Just went through this. Most of the bills are in my name so my husband didn't have to do it.But your lawyer will advise you on the best way to file. Hope this helps.

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They are typically going to be held responsible. The debt is used to buy goods and services. The spouse is considered to have benefited from these debts.

Can a spouses income be used for determining child support in illinois?

Spouses are not responsible for their spouse's child(ren). However, to collect unpaid support, the State may place liens on real and personal property, including bank accounts, owned by the obligor, even though the spouse is a joint owner.

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Your loan will not be affected by your spouses debt as long as you are not associated with her accounts thru those companies.

Who inherits in an intestate estate in South Africa?

It depends. If the deceased had a spouse (or if he was in a polygamous marriage) but if he had no descendants, the spouse (or spouses) will inherit the estate. If there are only descendants but no spouses, then it will be they who inherit the estate. In case there are both spouse(s) and descendants, the spouse will receive R125 000 and the balance will go to the children. Also, if there are neither descendants nor spouses, the parents (or one parent and the other descendants of that parent) will split the estate equally.

How do you access my spouses chacking accounts?

At my financial institution, you must be listed as an owner of the account in order to obtain any financial information. If your spouse is the sole owner of the account, the bank should not tell you anything.