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Thickened nuchal fold do exist with babies with Downs. If ultrasound shows this, it surely means one thing - a triple test as well as amniocentesis - a MUST - for confirmation.

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Q: If you are 10 weeks' pregnant and the ultrasound shows a thickened nuchal fold does that mean your baby will be born with Down syndrome?
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What does the nuchal do in a human body?

The nuchal is a term used to refer to the nape or back of the neck in a human body. It primarily provides support and flexibility to the head and allows for movements such as nodding and rotating. Additionally, the nuchal region houses important structures like the nuchal ligament and the occipital lymph nodes.

What is a prevention of Downs syndrome?

Experts recommend genetic counseling for persons with a family history of Down syndrome who wish to have a baby. A woman's risk of having a child with Down syndrome increases as she gets older. The risk is significantly higher among women age 35 and older. Couples who already have a baby with Down syndrome have an increased risk of having another baby with the condition. Tests such as nuchal translucency ultrasound, amniocentesis, or chorionic villus sampling can be done on a fetus during the first few months of pregnancy to check for Down syndrome. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends offering Down syndrome screening tests to all pregnant women, regardless of age.

What are the reasons for getting a nuchal translucency scan done?

Some good reasons to get a nuchal translucency scan done are checking for early signs of downs syndrome or other birth defects in fetus as well as heart defects.

What does nuchal mean?

Nuchal means pertaining to the back of the neck.

Why might your baby's ultrasound show he had fluid in the neck?

I think you had a nuchal scan, done at around 12 weeks. This measures the fluid at the back of the neck and MAY, only MAY be an indication of Down's syndrome. You will probably be offered an amniocentesis which will give a diagnosis. A friend of mine had twins, both of whom had positive signs. She had a double amnio, both of which were negative and her babies are fine, (now about 1 year old)

Where is the nuchal ligament located in miniature donkeys?

The nuchal ligament is also referred to as the "paddywhack" in animals. This tendon is located in the midline of the neck.

What animals do not have a nuchal ligament?

Cats and pigs don't have a nuchal ligament. The nuchal ligament is an adaptation common in fast running animals (to keep the head study while running) as well as to support longer necks. Humans and horses have nuchal ligament

Interventions for nuchal rigidity in children?

Notify doctor of symtoms

What should a nurse do when a child exhibits nuchal rigidity?


What is stiff neck associated with meningitis called?

nuchal rigidity