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Daily caloric needs depend mostly on five things. These five things are a persons age, present weight, height, gender, and level of physical activity. Since gender and level of physical activity are not included in the question, I've included links to some "Calorie Calculators". These calculators allow a person to type their information into the five respective boxes in order to find recommended daily caloric intake to maintain, gain, or lose weight, depending on their goals. (See Related Links below)

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15y ago

* You are 5' 2" and weigh 114 lbs. What are you thinking? You are already at a perfect weight. In fact you are slightly below what you could weigh and still be healthy. Are you worried about your weight or your health? Seems you are only concentrating on weight with no thought to health. A skinny woman is very unattractive. Almost all men want a woman with curves not a skinny model type with no curves. Sounds to me like you have no problem at all. Live you life and enjoy being a beautiful woman with curves. Forget about loosing weight. There are woman with real weight problems needing help. You are not one of them.

* Sorry "CM" weight loss is not my expertise. I am about your height and weigh between 112 and 116 depending upon how things are going. You sound fine to me, but I have no intention of lecturing you on your weight or any other personal matter, having said that, I do know restriction of calories will only result in a weight gain not a loss because your body "thinks it is being starved". You might try a little more exercise and of course always drink plenty of water. * To be honest with you for your height your under your ideal/healthy weight so losing an additional four pounds would not be in your best interest. Don't allow yourself to get sucked into peer pressure or what society "thinks" people should look like. Celebrities especially don't actually look the way they appear to on TV, pictures, magazines etc., it takes a lot of tape, tucking, makeup, camera trickery, air brushing and what not. Just take care of yourself and concentrate on being healthy - that is always the most important thing. Take Care. * Are you serious about dropping a few pounds and keeping them off? Really? Read on. There are no "magic pills" or "clever machines" that affect a true change in a person's body. It is a change in the way the person thinks and looks at things that makes for changes. Anything else is only temporary (if it works at all), and comes with the possibility of just making you think worse of yourself if you fail (which is possible). It is, in part, a self-image thing, is it not? Yes, it is. Start a log right now of all you eat and drink. Even water from a drinking fountain. Have the log handy or a mini-note pad to track stuff when you're mobile. Relax for a few days while you do this. If you really want to make a change, and you're not "desperate" but are "determined" to drop a few pounds, you'll need a baseline to work from. You'll also want to have a log of any activities you do for those days. Here's the key. Do not change what you do. And be fastidiously honest with your log. As mentioned, relax and go through your "routine" but keep track of the stuff. Two or three days will do, but four or five is better. By the way, you'll be continuing to maintain your log as you move into your program. With the log and your "history" in mind, make a slight increase in your water intake and make some substitutes or cuts in your snack intake to move to "better" foods. Any candy bars and potato chips and stuff like that will have to go. Harsh, but a key start. Salt and sugar undermine our efforts. And they wreck things because of the way they taste as much as anything else. You will be developing different "tastes" and learning to like other things (if you don't already). It is important to "win over" your taste buds as well as your tummy. Any veggies will work for snacks, and some fruits are okay, too. Lighter on the fruits ('cause of the sugar, and the taste of the sugar). This is the snack part. Snack lightly an hour or so before a meal. This will help you cut portions without pain. Be sure not to kill yourself with raids on the fridge later. Stick with the veggie snacks, and have a few (not a lot) prepared for "emergencies" that might arise. And no dressing or dips. Experiment with herbal seasonings. You are going to be learning some things about food and nutrition in a bit of extra curricular reading. And becoming an expert in seasoning. Just a pinch of Italian seasoning will brighten up just about anything. And there are quite a few other herbs and spices you may not be aware of. Take it easy on the salt or you'll end up thirsty and beating yourself up over a soda. A soda is okay, by the way, but do a diet. And too many sodas of any kind will whack your 'electrolytes levels and knock you out of the box. A soda won't relieve thirst, but you probably already know that. It takes additional water for the body to "out process" the soda (while maintaining electrolyte levels) other than what is already in the beverage. A soda, even a diet one, is a "treat" and not a thirst quencher. Limit them to one or two a day max. Using just a hint of lemon, orange or lime in water to give it a change of pace in the flavor department. Those sugar free instant mix thingies can be treats like a Diet Soda, but they play to your taste buds, and that ain't gonna get it. Remember the "winning over" of the taste buds . Look at activities. You'll need to up them some. Extend one or more by a little bit to increase caloric burn. If you "overdo it" here, you'll end up tired and weak and vulnerable to throwing your dietary changes (not diet, but dietary changes - there's a difference) out of whack. You've figured out by now that food intake, water and liquid intake, and activity schedule are all interconnected. If you "hammer" one of them, you'll be "out of control" trying to "manage" all the side effects of "wrecking" your schedule. The idea is to "tweak" yourself back into shape rather than do a wholesale remodel. Those (the remodels) are much more difficult and often require "professional" consultation because of their complexity. Any "adjustment" you can do yourself will have a higher probability of success, and will put you in the driver's seat. You'll succeed or fail on your own merits. And by the way, this is really a process and not necessarily a "race" with a "finish line" you have to cross. If you "win" here with the weight loss and "break the tape" at the finish, what happens next? For the sprinter, it's over. For the person who has dropped a few pounds, if you quit running after you break the tape, you have an excellent chance of regaining those pounds. And why lose them if you're just going to put them back on? This is a life change we're talking about it. A gradual life change. You'll be thinking about this as you fill in your logs. You're making a commitment here. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Gradual changes are "better" and more "in line" with the nature of the human animal. We work better going through small changes rather than having ourselves "thrown into the pool" to learn to swim. Lastly, get anyone you can to "be on your side" in your program. A parent or parents, another family member, or a close friend (and a friend who wishes to do what you're doing is worth his/her weight in gold), or another caring person to "work with you" to make the transition. It is critical that the "cook" and the "grocery shopper" in your family be on your side because you'll need support there. It isn't fair to ask for menu changes that affect everyone so you can get what you want, and it isn't necessarily fair for you to eat totally different from other family members to achieve your goals. But you'll need snacks, and the person who "caters" where you live is someone you need help from. Think this through and talk it through with someone at home. You're armed and dangerous. You have knowledge and are setting up to make some changes. Take good care of yourself through the process. Positive self talk and self coaching is a must. Have a 30 second chat with yourself in the mirror every morning. "Good morning. Another chance to work on yourself is here. And you are ready. You are sooooo worth this, and you will succeed in steps. Be good to yourself, and move through the new day as a new person." Good luck.

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15y ago

in my point of view i think you dont need to loose any weightin my point of view i think you dont need to loose any weight

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