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gainin weight over a short amount of time is usually the cause of stretch marks. Use staight vitium E oil for Emu oil when they are just appearing to allow them not to appear later when they become white. Also running and excercising has worked for me to stop the appearance of them.

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Q: If you are a Short small women and have these stretch marks on your buttocks and the back legs could you be gaining weight?
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Can brisk walking help to reduce big buttocks?

Well, kinda. Short of liposuction there's no way to target where to lose weight/fat. But with the right diet walking will help you lose calories, which eventually will see your buttocks shrink a bit too.

How can you get a bigger buttocks?

Short of plastic surgery, you don't. You have what you have courtesy of your genetics.

Where is the BUTTOCKS located in the body?

Buttocks is just another name for your bum or bottom. When you sit down, you are sitting on your buttocks. Medically, the back of the body is known as the posterior side. So your buttocks is posterior, located between your thighs and waist. Buttocks is sometimes called "the posterior". In laymen's terms, rather than medical terms, most people call it their "butt", short for buttocks.

What can you do to lose weight in a short period of time without gaining it back?

Drink plenty of WATER, EXERCISE in moderation, LIMIT caloric intake, and get plenty of REST. Forget about 'fast' weight loss. 'Fast' weight loss will jeopardize your overall health.

Does gaining four pounds make somebody look fatter?

It depends. Usually if they're very thin and/or short, then gaining four pounds can be pretty noticeable to most people. But in general, no, that's not enough of a weight difference for you to actually look fatter.

What is a four letter word ending in butt?

Butt is four letters! It's short for buttocks.

How do you train for short distance races?

stretch and run that amount

Can you get short if you lose weight?

Yes, some height-loss can occur as result of bone and mineral loss from an unhealthy (too quick) weight loss. If you lose weight in a healthy manner, this should not happen. See also:How to lose weight healthily

How To Look Pregnant?

You can look pregnant by gaining a lot of weight in a short period of time. You can also make yourself appear to be eating more. You can ask for specific foods women usually ask for during pregnancy.

Does sketch have a long or short vowel sound?

The E in sketch has a short E vowel sound, as in wretch and stretch.

Is it bad to lose 5 pounds each day?

A person losing weight that fast is quite likely to expereince rebound and regain all the the lost weight within a short time, possibly gaining even more in the process. A slower weight loss program allows your body to adjust to you changes in physiology and is much less likely to result in weight regain.

Why do you get stretch marks on your breast?

Because they grow quickly in a short space of time