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A Green Lynx spider bite is rarely harmful to humans, although they can be quite painful.

There is always the possibility of an allergic reaction to any insect bite, this spider included, which would be the only reason to visit a doctor if bitten by the Green Lynx.

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Q: If you are bitten by a green lynx spider must you go to a doctor?
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Why is the Green Lynx spider called lynx?

the male and female lynx spider lynx Linc there body together

How many eyes does the green lynx spider have?

The Green Lynx Spider has eight eyes, arranged in two rows.

How does a green lynx spider breathe?

a glider is a spider breathe

Can a green lynx spider kill you?

yes they are

How long does a green lynx spider live for?

Usually only one year. Google the words green lynx spider live and get this and more information.

What is a black spider with green stripes called?

Green lynx spider is the name given to the green spider. This type of spider is usually found on the green plants and is the largest North American spider species in the family Oxyopidae.

What kind o spider has brown stripe legs and green a body?

look up a green lynx spider

What british spider has a lime-green back?

There are several different British spiders that have lime-green on their backs. This spider could be a cucumber spider or even a lynx spider.

What spider in South Carolina has green legs black and white striped back with orange abdomen?

Could be the Green Lynx Spider

What spider in NC has a large lime green body with design down the middle and translucent lime green thorax almost translucent tan legs with yellow bands?

Green Lynx Spider

What does green lynx spider eat?

They eat ice cream. Trust me, I've seen it before!

Is a green lynx spider poisonous?

It is hard to guess which species of spider is meant. There may be many spiders that observers would judge to be "lime green." The bites of almost all spiders are toxic. However, none of the spiders that can give humans medically significant bites happen to be green. The most likely candidate to be described as a lime green spider is one fairly large and very attractive species of Lynx spider. Lynx spiders do not trap their prey in webs. They hunt for their prey in the branches, flowers, or leaves of vegetation. If someone were quick enough to actually grab one, he or she might get a defensive bite. It would hurt, but a bee sting can have much greater consequences.