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Try taking medication

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Q: If you are feeling fatigued or sleep while driving?
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If you become fatigued while driving the best countermeasure for fatigue is?

Pull over and stop to rest.

Can you sleep in a RV while the vehicle is driving?

You can with motorhomes but not with trailers.

What should you do when you feel sleepy while driving?

If you are feeling sleepy while driving, you should pull over as soon as it is safe to do so.

Why was the exotic car developed?

In order to have a feeling of sexual ecstasy while driving.

What age group of people is most likely to drive while fatigued?

Teens. The statistics show more accidents are from teens not driving slow enough, paying attention, or driving in conditions they don't know how to react.

Why does your dog put his balls in your mouth while you sleep?

Because he enjoys the feeling of your tongue on his balls.

What road do Australians sleep while driving?

There is plenty of motels, hotels, or roadside rest areas where drivers in Australia can rest or sleep safely.

When feeling fatigue while driving what it is best to do what?

B. pull off at the nearest exit and get some rest

How can you stay awake while driving?

If you are struggling to stay awake while driving, you are risking your safety, as well as the safety of other drivers. The best way to stay awake while driving is to feel well rested. If you are exhausted, pull off of the road, and get some sleep.

What did researchers documented as a hazards of sleep deprivation?

Drowsiness while driving is probably one. That's more dangerous than driving tipsy according to the MythBusters.

What are the disadvantages of drinking and driving?

Driving while impaired by alcohol or any other substance (or situation, such as sleep deprivation) increases the risk of having a traffic accident.

What you do If you experience micro sleep while driving?

Hi If you experience micro-sleep during driving you should pull down your window and get some fresh air. When you can pull over to the side of the road and get out the car and have a walk. If you find micro-sleep is the result of your daily commuting add on 15 minutes to your driving time, and try to break your journeys by stopping somewhere and have a coffee.