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The three ways that heat travels are conduction, convection and radiation. In space there is no matter between things so conduction and convection are not possible. But radiation does not need to travel trough matter so it can go through empty space. All of the light and heat from the Sun travels as radiation to the Earth.

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there are three ways in which heat travels;

1.Convection - This is when heat is transfered via a fluid. Ex. A hot peice of metal is put into water, while another peice of metal is in the water. The hot metal heats up the water, which in turn heats up the other metal.

2.Conduction - This is when heat is transfered via solid-to-solid contact. Ex. A a very hot metal rod is placed on a piece of plastic therefore causiong the plastic to melt. 3.Radiation - Wen a solid or fluid is heated via radiation this is because radiation is energy, and when it comes into contact with any particle it causes it to speed up its vibration (in otherwords, heating it up)

Now as everbody knows space is virtually empty so heat cannot be transferred by conduction, or convection, therefore heat must be caused by the radiation emmittedby stars, or any other source of radiation.

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Q: If you are in space what way does heat travel?
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How is heat transferred through empty space?

Light energy, like from the sun.

Why heat can not be transferred in this way in an iron rod?

heat is transferred only from high energetic concentration to low energetic concentration. therefore heat cant be transferred in any usual way.

Can heat travel through space if there's no air?

The three ways heat is transferred are convection, radiation (as infrared) and condution. While conduction and convection by definition require some sort of medium to move in or through, radiation is electromagnetic and does not need any medium, hence it is can travel through a vacuum including space. Or in easier to understand terms: Heat, is the result of energy being released. If for instance you lit a match in space, the heat generated from the chemical reaction would be absorbed by the surrounding environment. Space itself, the vacuum of space, has nothing to absorb energy, so it is very cold. Near the coldest temp possible which is absolute zero, or when the atoms of something completely stop moving. Since the big bang theory suggests that heat was left over from the explosion that started our current universe, the theory insists that heat is common in the vacuum of space. Therefore, heat can travel through space. <br><br> It is more obvious when large amounts of heat (energy) travel through space when you look at something like a rocket, which uses chemicals to create a chemical reaction that releases a lot of heat. Or, when you see how a planet moves through space when orbiting the sun, and the earth maintains its normal body temperatures through the complex environment of trees, air, water, land, and etc.. <br><br>Another idea to consider is that all energy accords to the electromagnetic spectrum. So when invisible rays travel from the sun and hit us, they come at a certain frequency, and in space the farther the distance until the rays hit something, the more energy the ray used. That is why when the suns rays hit your skin, you begin to feel warm. The rays travel at a certain frequency and amplitude, and when they hit you skin from a safe distance from the sun, the amount of energy released is enough to warm you and tan (or burn) in the summer months, or do little like in the winter months. Some rays of energy from the sun can hit your skin and bounce off, while others can penetrate deep and into your body, causing possibly amounts of damage.<br><br>The rays travel until they hit something, when they do, the rays cause the atoms in what was hit to vibrate, whjch causes the temperature of the environment around the heated item increase, since the molecules in the item are vibrating, and causing the molecules in the air to vibrate, also causes more energy in the form of heat. >

What is a cosmonault?

Same as an astronaut. A person trained by a space program to travel into space as a crew member of the space program.

Why is heat not a matter?

Heat does not occupie space, and does not have definite volume, so it is not a matter!!!!^_^

Related questions

Does heat travel through empty space by conduction?

No, heat does not travel through empty space by conduction because conduction requires particles to transfer heat energy from one molecule to another. In empty space, heat transfer occurs through radiation, where energy is transferred via electromagnetic waves.

Transfer of heat across space?

Radiation waves can travel in space, which is are later converted into heat when it hits matter.

Does heat energy travel through by space by convection?


Is outer space a conductor of heat?

Heat can travel through outer space as radiation. However, space is more or less a vacuum, so it's not a conductor of heat.

How does radiation from the sun travel through space?

Radiations from the sun are able to travel through space because of the heat waves.

Can heat travel through space?

Yes, it is called radiation.

Can heat energy travel through space by convection?

Yes it can

How does radiation travel through space?

Radiation in the form of electromagnetic waves travels through space at the speed of light. This includes visible light, radio waves, microwaves, X-rays, and gamma rays. These waves do not require a medium like air or water to propagate and can travel through the vacuum of space.

Can heat travel through vacuum?

Yes. Just look at how heat travles from space to Earth.

Why can heat travel through space by radiation?

Heat can travel through space by radiation because it is a form of electromagnetic energy that does not require a medium to propagate. Objects with a higher temperature emit infrared radiation, which can transfer heat energy over large distances in the vacuum of space.

Which way heat travel?

Heat can travel by conduction (through direct contact), convection (through fluid movement), and radiation (through electromagnetic waves). Heat always moves from areas of higher temperature to areas of lower temperature in an attempt to reach thermal equilibrium.

What is the transfer of heat through space by heat?

The sun gives off radiation, which can travel through space, and is later converted into heat when it contacts matter (Earth, space crafts, astronauts, asteroids, ect.).