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Yes, you can join both programs at the same time if you wish.

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Q: If you are in the WIT program can you also join the WikiReviewers program?
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How do you get more badges on WikiAnswers?

To get more badges, you must join more programs (you must be at least 13 to join a program). If you join WIT, you get a special WIT badge on your Bio Page. If you join the WikiReviewers, then you get a WikiReviewer badge, and so forth. It's all about the programs!

How old do you have to be to join the WIT program?

You have to be between the ages of 13 and 18 to join WIT.

How long does it take to join the WIT program?

Once you apply for the WIT Program, the WIT coordinator will contact you within one business day. You will be contacted whether you are accepted into the program or not.

Can people younger than 13 join the WIT team?

No, people younger than 13 cannot join the WIT program. The WIT program is only available to teenagers ages 13-18, no younger and no older.

What are the various programs you can join as a WikiAnswers member?

Joining Programs on WikiAnswersFirst of all, you must be at least 13 years of age, and a registered member of the site.In addition, each program on WikiAnswers - such as SPA, WIT, Community Outreach, and WikiReviewers - has its own requirements.(See the Related questions for information on each of these groups.)

How do you get noticed on WikiAnswers?

You are more likely to get noticed by having outstanding contributions and/or participating in events such as the AnswerThons. Joining a group such as WikiReviewers, WIT, or SPA can also get you noticed.

How do you join WIT?

To join Wikianswers Influential Teens, you will need to fill in an application form.You can find the link to the form on the WIT information page here: you need assistance applying for WIT, you may contact any of the WIT program coordinator at

How long must you wait before you are admitted to the WIT program via email?

When you apply to WIT, be sure to include all necessary information in order to expedite the process. Necessary info includes: * Your WikiAnswers user name * Date of birth * Which of the four WIT divisions you wish to join * Your favorite topics on WikiAnswers * How you heard about the WIT Program Once you apply to join WIT, someone will contact you within one business day.

How do you make an official group on WikiAnswers?

Only Community Assistants are allowed to make Official Groups, such as Vandal Patrol,WIT,WikiReviewers, etc.

Do you get a badge if you finish a mission on WIT Program?

When you join WIT, you get a badge on your profile page displaying your WIT division. Upon completing 25 WIT missions, you receive a reward badge for your profile page. You receive additional reward badges after completing 50 and 100 WIT missions.

Can you be in TIP and WIT at the same time?

Of course you can. As long as you meet the age requirement of 15 years, you can join The Initiates Program too.

What happens when you age out of WIT?

When you age out of WIT you graduate out of the program.