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Q: If you are lactose intolerant you most likely are missing which type of molecule?
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What are risks of drinking milk if lactose intolerant?

Most likely you will throw up.

Is cheese good for atheists?

It's depends on the individual person, not the belief group. If an atheist is lactose intolerant, likely it isn't, but if they aren't, then there is nothing holding them back.

Why are people lactose intolerent?

All mammals, including humans, are fed milk, by their mothers, when they are infants. all infants bodies produce an enzyme called lactase, that digests lactose, the kind of sugar found in milk. As they grow, animals and many people stop producing lactase and can no longer digest milk. they become lactose intolerant. people whose ancestors came from areas where dairy foods have long been part of the diet, such as northern and western Europe, are less likely to become lactose intolerant.

Lactose intoleraceWhy can i drink organic milk and have no issues being lactose intolerant?

Organic milk is less likely to contain pesticides, hormones, and antibiotic residues. The fact that these things are not found in organic milk may be the reason that there was not any issues when drinking the organic milk. To be completely free from any issues due to lactose intolerance it would be best to get a lactose free milk such as Lactaid brand milk.

What would most likely happen to a person who had a shortage of lactase?

The person would be unable to fully digest dairy products. Many people are lactose intolerant, meaning that they have difficulty digesting food that contains large amounts of lactose. This occurs because a person's body does not produce enough lactase enzyme, which is the enzyme needed to quickly breakdown lactose.

Why can lactose intolerant people eat yogurt?

I believe that it is goats milk cheese they can eat without a problem Goats milk contains low fat and milk sugar. Actually, goat cheeses do have less lactose but so do Swiss and Cheddar. The older the cheese (and therefore most likely harder) the less lactose that survives. Any cheese has less lactose with age but the cheeses above have less as a class. Cottage cheese, Velveeta and other soft, especially processed, cheeses have the most lactose

What happen when you drink a glass of milk every night?

Drinking one glass of milk every night before bed is a great way to load up on carbohydrates, sugar, and calories right before sleeping. It is important to brush the teeth before bed, so a glass of milk after brushing the teeth may do more harm than good.

Which of these is most likely to contain lactose?

Dairy products

What causes the symptoms of lactose intolerance?

Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose. Lactose intolerance happens when the small intestine does not make enough of the enzyme lactase. Enzymes help the body absorb foods. Not having enough lactase is called lactase deficiency.

When is the lactose operon likely to be transcribed?

whenever it's in that transcribing kind of mood

Who can benefit from full cream milk yoghurt and cheeses?

Many people (providing they are not lactose intolerant) can benefit from these products because they are a good source of calcium (for strong bones) and protein. Full cream dairy foods are recommended for infants and toddlers, however adults who are trying to lose weight are likely to benefit from reduced-fat products.

Can your kitten drink pet milk?

To live on, no. They need mother's milk or kitten milk substitute from the pet store. As a treat it's fine in small amounts. Too much can give them indigestion. As kittens age they start becoming lactose intolerant, so giving a cat over about the age of four months milk can cause diarrhea. But they still love drinking it.