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Q: If you are lactose intolerentwhat enzyme are you lacking?
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Which enzyme converts lactose to glucose and lactose?

Lactase is the enzyme that breaks down lactose.

What digest milk sugar?

The enzyme lactose.Lactose.

What lack of enzyme cause lactose intolerance?

The enzyme which the body uses to digest lactose is lactase.

Where does lactase help the body do?

Any enzyme has -ase at the end of it's name. The first part of the name is what it acts on or what its' substrate is. Lact- means milk sugar. This enzyme breaks down milk sugar (lactose) into simpler sugars that can be absorbed by the body. Some people are lacking in the enzyme (they don't make it) and are said to lactose intolerant. The two sugars are used by the cell for energy.

What enzyme is person who is lactose intolerant missing?

Lactose intolerance is the inability to efficiently convert lactose into glucose and galactose, a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme lactase. (A rule of thumb for enzyme nomenclature is that many enzyme names typically take most of the name of their substrate and slap an "-ase" at the end.)

What type of biomelecule is lactose?

as a general rule, anything ending in -ase is an enzyme, so lactase is an enzyme that breaks down molecules of lactose

Can milk be non-lactose?

Milk naturally contains the sugar lactose. Lactose-free milk is made by 'pre-digesting' the lactose in the milk. This is done by adding the enzyme lactase to the milk. The enzyme breaks down the lactose and people who can't digest lactose properly (lactose intolerance) can drink the milk without side-effects.

Genes that are turned on or off by the presence of lactose?

lacZ codes for the enzyme beta-galactosidase, which splits lactose into glucose plus galactose. lacY codes for a "permease" protein that allows lactose to enter the cell, and lacA codes for an enzyme that acetylates lactose.

Hwat is an enzyme that breaks down lactose?

Lactase. (the suffix- ase means an enzyme)

Why did the enzyme react to lactose but not to sucrose?

the enzyme is not the right shape for sucrose

Is height and weight significant in lactose intolerance?

Adults need a particular enzyme in their stomach to tolerate lactose. Babies are born with that enzyme. It turns off automatically in a number of children when they get to be about six years old. As a result they become lactose intolerant. Height and weight have nothing to do with lactose intolerance but the lack of an enzyme. Some people lactose intolerant people drink milk with a bacterium added which adds that enzyme. Others eat milk in the form of cheese or yogurt.

What are digestive enzymes related to lactose?

Lactase.Lactase is essential for digestive hydrolysis of lactose in milk. Deficiency of the enzyme causes lactose intolerance.